Legislating for euthanasia in Ireland could be a bridge too far for the progressive agenda a Dublin conference heard last weekend with attendees warning that current legislative proposals would merely open the door for assisted suicide on demand.

Jointly organised by pro-life groupts and medical experts including Doctors for Life, the conference aired the personal experiences of one Dublin family who lost a family member to a euthanasia clinic in Switzerland.

Among the speakers included Palliative Care Consultant, Dr. Wilhelm Freiherr von Hornstein who stated that experts within the field preferred better end-of-life care rather than assisted suicide as well as barrister Maria Steen who highlighted the warped perception the media was giving on the euthanasia debate.

Currently, euthanasia in Ireland is prohibited by the Criminal Law  Act 1993 which places a 14-year sentence on those procuring assisted suicide for another individual. 

While the past decade has seen repeated chipping away at the foundational Thomistic ethos of Irish lawmaking most notably with abortion in 2018, the constitutionality of anti-euthanasia legislation was upheld at the Supreme Court in Fleming v Ireland (2013) which rejected the notion of a constitutional right to end one’s life by a multiple sclerosis patient.

The primary proponents of euthanasia include End of Life Ireland, the Irish branch of Exit International with cervical cancer whistleblower Vicky Phelan doing much to alter public perception on the matter before her death in 2022.

The pro-euthanasia cause found an Oireachtas champion in the form of PBP TCD Gino Kenny whose initial bill to decriminalize assisted suicide in 2020 was thrown out by Leinster House’s Justice Committee on the grounds of not providing enough safeguards for the vulnerable.

In 2023 again spearheaded by Gino Kenny Joint Oireachtas Committee on Assisted Dying was established to explore the complexities surrounding the issue with testimony by veteran law don Professor William Binchy coming to verbal blows with a chavvish Lynn Ruane going viral that year.

March 2024 saw two conflicting reports on euthanasia in Ireland by the Oireachtas committee with the matter now in the hands of Cabinet to decide what to do next following legislative scrutiny. 

To the surprise of many euthanasia was resisted by 4 out of 14 Oireachtas members with a further abstention by Sinn Féin’s Pa Daly as Gino Kenny lost his seat in November’s election leading to confusion as to who will put euthanasia back on the agenda.

While the Dáil voted to acknowledge the findings of the pro-euthanasia report 53 to 76 Taoiseach Micheál Martin subsequently cast his doubt of the report ever being followed through. 

Anti-euthanasia advocates argue that enhanced palliative care services would be a more moral and strategic way to mitigate the need for assisted dying. 

The Irish debate will no doubt have an added dimension should the UK proceed with expected plans to legalise euthanasia with the House of Commons pondering over legislation to allow mentally competent adults who are terminally ill to kill themselves with less than 6 months to live.

Any discussion of euthanasia in Ireland cannot be aired without mention of sanguinary Irish will dispute with opponents of the practice warning that state-approved killing of the elderly and infirm could force many into an early grave at the behest of greedy relatives.

Rather morbidly an electoral reliance on older voters will likely constrain Fianna Fáil and Fine Gael who both allow a free vote on euthanasia with prominent government ministers Peter Burke and Norma Foley voicing their opposition to the shelved report.

Considering the body blow dealt to woke legislators in last year’s gender referenda and an Oireachtas agenda struggling to adapt to a more chaotic world, one hopes that the euthanasia push has (pardon the pun) died a death for the foreseeable future despite recent regressions in Britain nevermind devil-may-care assisted suicide dystopias of Canada and Belgium.

Posted by The Burkean


  1. Daniel J BUCKLEY 25/03/2025 at 18:15

    Euthanasia is already a de facto policy of the Irish Regime of FF/FG.
    It was used during the Covid 19 period of 2020 to prematurely end the lives of the Old Folks in Care Homes to increase the death rates and attribute them to Covid19.
    This was part of the successful massive Propaganda campaign, to create Fear ,Panic and Hysteria in Ireland of a virus that was proved to be dangerous only to the very aged and those with co-morbidities.
    The successful Propaganda campign ,funneled over 90% of the population into accepting unquestioningly a hastily made experimental concoction Injection ,that was not a Vaccine, that had only emergency approval, no liability, interfered with the bodies DNA , resulted in deaths from heart problems , cancers , dementia, reproduction failures and did not prevent infection or transmission of the COVID 19 virus.
    The Lockdown ensured the Old Folks were isolated ,with relatives unable to gain access and check their well being.
    The method used to end life had previously been trialed in the UK’s NHS, and known as the Liverpool Pathway and had been exposed creating a scandal.
    This was the withdrawal of medicine ,food and water, and the posting of DNR notices (do no resuscitate)
    Supplementing this was the tranquiliser drug Midazomal. to drug the patients and prevent resistance.
    There is unlikely ever to be an inquiry,under this Regime.
    Too much reputational damage to the Regime , its Medical Authorities and Media propagandists ,will prevent exposure of this massive crime agains the gullible ,trusting people of Ireland.


  2. Ivaus@thetricolour 26/03/2025 at 14:16

    EU-thanasia…helping Irish Race to die…IS GLOBAL DEPOPULATION

    Ireland 2025 has LEGALISED abortion,prostitution,transgenderism,
    gender ideology and indoctrination in schools,education,church,media,
    broadcasting and homes,destruction of morality, religion and family values…and still the Irish Catholic Church has abandoned the people,
    remains eerily quiet in all its approval,despite 70 percent drop in attendance of regular church attendance by young people. Free legal contraception not only protects, it kills population fertility rates.
    Ireland Dying

    Childcare,schooling,health and housing are all now major obstacles for Irish Children because of waiting lists for everything and the priority of
    foreign nationals ahead of ethnic Irish Children.
    Irish Dying

    Jobs,renting,buying a house are out of reach of Irish Teenager Adults who are forced to stay at home longer or migrate because of foreign national replantation, the globalist agenda.
    Irish Dying

    Coersion,use of apartheid laws and mandatory rules of forced vaccine,
    along with aged care neglect resulted in excessive deaths,physical and mental health issues that were never treated and remain so today.
    Irish Dying

    We haven’t even mentioned the Irish Economy and its effects on Irish People…bring in Euthanasia now…WHY… Irish population reduction.
    …and still you refuse to see or admit…Penal Laws Ireland 2025…WHY ?


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