The Irish border issue looks to become septic yet again. Not through Brexit mishaps or the perennial issues of smuggling and paramilitarism but the very 21st phenomenon of mass migration.Belfast, not Rosslare or Dublin Airport is becoming the primary entry point for asylum seekers flooding into the Republic with the Department of Justice reports landing on the desk of Joe O’Callaghan confirming the statistical reality of 80% of claimants arriving north of the border.
An ominous trend even to otherwise complacent Dublin mandarins, recent saber-rattling by Brexit diehards in the Tory party in the concluding days of the Sunak government as well as obvious warnings from history emphasis the need for the issue to be tackled fast and responsibly.
The question of what to do with Nordie asylum claims is a good testing ground for the coalition’s supposedly new “tough” stance on illegal migration and one which the Irish government has surprising leeway on the issue thanks to the new Starmer premiership and its strong Irish caucus.
The starting point of any Common all-Ireland asylum policy is the Common Travel Area, so far without any provision for asylum procedures. This month’s pow-wowing between the British and Irish governments ahead of St Patrick’s Day is a good springboard for a future bilateral agreement with the Irish government well within its rights to trigger Strand Three of the Good Friday Agreement covering cross-border cooperation on security and migration.
The aim of invoking the GFA would be to strategically establish joint asylum rules specific to the island of Ireland, separate from wider UK immigration policy.
Recent headaches caused by Tory intransigence over the Brexit backstop and the inherent risk of the occupied six counties slipping into anarchy make the issue of a new migration accord topical for the Starmer premiership.
An agreement similar to the Dublin III Regulation (which governs asylum transfers within the EU) could be adapted for Ireland and the North of Ireland, ensuring asylum seekers are processed in their first safe territory-namely Belfast, not Mount Street.
Anglo-Irish cooperation is in something of a goldilocks zone at the moment, with a growing likelihood of a phased British withdrawal from administering the region an added incentive for both sides of the table.
Ireland could lobby the EU to intervene and pressure the UK into a coordinated asylum system as part of post-Brexit migration cooperation through a “Return and Processing Agreement” covering the entire island to be built into the modified CTA.
In tandem with a unified clampdown at Dublin, Rosslare, and Belfast common data sharing agreements on biometric databases, fingerprinting as well as facial recognition could be introduced in both jurisdictions based on the above agreements.
A natural extension of this clampdown would be data tracking via Irish Rail & Bus Éireann ticketing systems to track cross-border movements, again forming the basis of wider harmonisation.It is rather easy for the Republic of Ireland to classify the UK as a “Safe Third Country,” meaning asylum seekers who transited through the UK before arriving in Ireland could be returned to the UK for processing.
To reduce “asylum processing” Ireland and Stormont could establish cross-border asylum processing centers, where claims would be assessed under harmonised asylum criteria amid a broader alignment of deportation and processing criteria.An easy win for Dublin, London, and an SF-administered Stormont this harmonisation process is an open door for responsible asylum policies and forms the backbone for future radical endeavours event extending to remigration.
A common asylum policy between both states on this island is a very rare win-win scenario for Dublin, northern nationalists, and even hardline loyalists at a time when the UK ventures more and more into the terminal phases of replacement migration.
Securing the peace in the North, keeping extremism at bay, and protecting the CTA and GFA are all cornerstones of progressive policy in Ireland. For a post-Brexit responsible outlook on migration management, the aforementioned policies are essential for both sides of the sectarian divide in the North and gel perfectly with a more flexible London government seeking to reduce its exposure to the Irish question.
I agree with everything in your article, but you are missing the point they have no intention of doing anything this is what they want, Mehole Martin they are taking their orders from Brussels who are taking them from the World Economic Forum and agenda Klus Schwab and Globalist including the so-called united nations they intention is to destroy Ireland and Europe by flooding it with illegal migrants coming from Africa, Afghanistan, Middle East, Asia, there are powerful forces at work and they have yet to show their ✋️ may Almighty God defend the just
Unless France & Belgium agree to accept returns from Dover , this sensible idea won’t get any traction from the Brits .
Gullible Paddy is a handy dumping ground for 20 % of the UK’s unwanted asylum claimants .
Impossible to stop asylum seekers crossing a 300 mile land border .
Everyone knows asylum seekers arrive @ Connolly / Busaras & take
the Dart to Grand Canal to make their claim @ nearby Mt Street .
There is no interest in putting an end to this nonsense .
DFAT Promotion St. Patrick’s Day 2025 – GLOBAL IRELAND
There’s your Irish Government All Ireland Island Asylum Policy.
It’s fairly obvious to everyone by now that they intend to “Deliver to Ireland and you ” their guarantee for the Globalist Plantation Colony.
So Leinster House speaks for All Ireland… that’s interesting news.
Had they United Not Divided on many more issues we could have saved many many more innocent Irish Lives Both Sides Of The Border, most recently the scamdemic 19,unvetted illegal migrants,murderers and killers,crime,assault and rape…their victims and the innocent.
Maybe Northern Ireland should consider its own independence, having witnessed the shackled south of the border, that has far too many foreign interests to serve before its own people.In fact, if both North And South of Irelands Island were both truly independent with no foreign masters to serve or amuse…they wouldn’t have experienced their divided disasters.
Tanaiste Harriss, spearheading DFAT in the US, having just met jp Morgan and Sachs, promises radical changes in Ireland on his return.
YES, they listen to their puppet masters overseas…not you or I, ever.
The Dynasties of FF/FG/SF are more important than anyone on this Island, bar their Political Family Dynasties Of ALL IRELAND CRONYISM…yes, they’ve always been United in an Ireland Divided.