Six dead at a Christmas market in Magdeburg eastern Germany was just the latest price to pay for the German state’s decades long pursuit of open borders mania. While a cynical media spin tried to pin the attack on the far right Saudi Arabian born Taleb Al-Abdulmohsen was named as the perpetrator as he appeared before court.
An eclectic ideological mix between counterjihadist and left-wing open border activist Al-Abdulmohsen lived an active life on social media through his Twitter account and postings on the ex-pat forum
While Al-Abdulmohsen’s motivations have been a point of contention his postings about the Irish asylum system present a more clear cut case about his worldview.
Giving advice to asylum applicants to navigate the Irish asylum system from IPAS, Tusla and various NGOs, the Saudi-born terrorist showed a keen interest in Ireland and in maximising the amount of asylum fraud here.
Not even the gravest example by which Irish asylum policies can and will be manipulated by malicious foreign actors (Sligo beheadings being the most salient example) it has been an open secret that Ireland at large is at risk from its open door outlooks.
Not making news here or anywhere one wonders how many Al-Abdulmohsen’s are scouring Telegram at this moment for ways to cheat Irish society at large and how long before the Irish people continue to allow them to do so.
Ireland’s Top Security Threat to US-UK-EU…are it’s NGOs -IPAS -Tusla
….and oh,not forgetting the Irish Population either…if anyone really cares
All encouraged and facilitated by it’s Rogue Irish Government, it’s Public and Civil Servants,it’s propagandised tax funded Broadcaster rte,it’s tax funded propagandised lame stream legacy media of failed journalists,it’s Law Courts and Policing,it’s disgusting hypocritical silence by absent Church Leaders, ITS 24/7 FEAR SHOCK JOCKS
…..ALL AGAINST THE WILL OF IRISH PEOPLE and the Irish Constitution.
The Qur’an, Islam and Muslim IS NOT CHRISTIANITY …they tell you.
Zionism is ANTI – Christian,Muslim,Hindu…EVERYTHING ALL
….Too late when your self identified enemy crushes the infidel or boils you in shite
…..and all the guilty paid parasites of human misery pray your passing
I know you well probably end up deleted this.
It would be interesting if you could do an article why someone like me who is diaspora Irish (someone who has Irish ancestry and family living in Ireland) has to bend over backward to prove my ancestry to get a Irish passport. Yet your government is quite happy to let (Africans and Asians usually!!! literarily foreign invaders.) literal non-European foreigners get citizenship and proclaim they are now in fact actually IRISH!
I actually had a African tell me he was more “Irish” than me because he had lived in Ireland for 4 years so he knew the culture ( I asked him to elaborate on what culture actually meant but he never did) when I explained that being Irish is not just culture but also heritage ( or blood or genetics) and that I have literal family in Ireland, he said that is not what people think in Ireland!
What are lot lot doing here? How does that make any sense? I have to prove my heritage to get an Irish passport but Mumbangae can just become a citizen and be “Irish” what is the point of it?
My auntie had to bend over backwards to prove we had family in Ireland. It took nearly six mouths. What is the point of having full background checks and making you prove your heritage ( we had to do my Nans birth certificate) if all are f8cking “Irish” seems pretty f*cking stupid.