This article was first published on the following Substack and is syndicated with the author’s permission.

Global interest in the Irish situation has risen since the November riot in Dublin, which was sparked by the stabbing of three school children and a teaching assistant by Algerian migrant Riad Bouchaker.

This interest is to be welcomed but comes with a set of notions and narratives that must be dispelled in the interests of both the truth and the sake of Irish nationalists like myself, who sympathise with the similar struggles faced by the rest of Europe but find ourselves undermined by these narratives, chiefly because of their falsehood.

Now and again a post will pop up about mass immigration into Ireland, accompanied by the same played-out comments of “What happened to the IRA?” or “Ireland spent generations fighting for their country only to hand it over to migrants”.

Often this comes from British-based commentators, whose own immigration and demographic replacement fare no better than Ireland, and are much more advanced in entrenchment into the population and the institutions.

England owned a third of the globe and now London is a minority English city, Indians own more property than native Brits, white English girls are exploited on an industrial scale with impunity and Kier Starmer’s government seems hellbent on shamefully dispossessing the country’s historic population.

I say this not to gloat or trade blows, I consider it as much of a travesty as any decent person should.

Posters such as Bronze Age Pervert and others who have commented on Sinn Féin’s current stance on migration are only half right. They’re correct that current day Sinn Féin is pro-third-world immigration (although given how quickly immigration has become a key issue this past year, they are starting to change their tune slightly in response to losing support from their old nationalist base, with an election just around the corner), where they’re wrong, is to imply that;

That’s what Sinn Féin has always been, that’s not true. Irish Nationalism is very eclectic and varied in its forms and ideological inspirations. Marxism allying with the third world, mainly Arab socialism, took the deepest root in Sinn Féin in the 1970s under the reformist Gerry Adams.

Sinn Féin’s founder Arthur Griffith is loathed by Irish leftists, for his resistance to socialism, his supposed anti-Semitism, having led a boycott of Jewish businesses in Limerick, simultaneously, his support of the concept of Zionism and the idea of a state where Jews could live apart from Europeans, and his views on non-whites in Europe.

“Europe is the white man’s land, and the introduction of savage Asiatics and Africans into Europe in war between civilised Powers is unparalleled in European history since anno domini. It is a betrayal of the white race, and an infamy pregnant with a grim and horrible danger and woe in the future.” – Arthur Griffith writing in the newspaper Nationality.

Indeed, Sinn Féin has been losing support recently, their socially liberal leadership and direction, are not at all sitting well with their traditional support base, which supports immigration restriction. One of the best writers on this, and on Irish demographics, is Dr. Matt Treacy, who was himself a member of the Provisional IRA and was imprisoned during the Troubles, before being released under the Good Friday Agreement.

Sinn Féin’s divergence from public opinion on immigration is nothing new. In 2004 they were soundly embarrassed by losing the referendum to give foreign children of Irish/European citizenship.

Despite being the one Irish political party everyone outside of Ireland has heard of, Sinn Féin has never once been in power in the Republic, not even as part of a coalition.

Since 1937 power in Ireland has bounced back and forth between Fianna Fáil and Fine Gael, both of whom labored tirelessly through the generations to keep Shinners at arm’s length. More than Argentina, or other left nationalist-led countries, it is Britain under the Tories that provides the best analogue to the present migrant crisis.

The fault both in Britain and Ireland lies with a spineless center-right, the Conservatives in Britain, FF/FG in Ireland, that is thoroughly incapable of holding firm against the left and liberal international institutions, who are motivated by zealous humanitarianism, and that also wants a piece of the globalist economic pie.

Roderic O’Gorman of the Green Party, the Minister overseeing immigration, tweeted out in no less than 8 languages a full-throated advertisement of ‘asylum’ in Ireland, promising applicants own door accommodation within 4 months of arrival, while we have tens of thousands of Irish people living on the streets.

Ireland is a “Catholic-first” state. As someone growing up in Ireland through the 90’s, the idea of it being a “Catholic first” national populist state is as absurd as claiming it’s a spacefaring one. Colonialist narratives are obviously not applicable to Ireland, so the way the Micklib (my Irish adaptation of the well-known Hicklib trope) typically gets his fix of white guilt, is by substituting it with Catholic guilt.

Anti-Catholic narratives are regularly pushed by both the state and the media, with the best example being a story of a “septic tank containing the skeletons of 700 children” in a derelict church-run children’s home in Tuam, County Galway, a story which turned out to be misleading at best, disgustingly fraudulent at worst, but which still gets repeated by politicians and media figures to this day.

Cillian Murphy just starred in a new film ”Small Things Like These”, the latest piece of Micklib masturbation fuel, set in a darkly oppressive Catholic women and children’s home in the 1980s, despite the fact that the home actually closed twenty years earlier.

We are all aware that defeatist “(insert country here) has fallen” rhetoric does not help us, we know that accounts like Radio Genoa and Ian Miles Cheong share such material to nakedly profiteer and make things harder for European and American Nationalists by burying good news, if and when it does happen, under an endless digital slurry of white kids getting beaten up by new arrivals.

Should the same not apply to anti-Irish rhetoric during a political moment when the Irish are being forced to reawaken an ethnic consciousness, and a burgeoning Irish right-wing struggles against an establishment and far left to direct the nation’s destiny?

In a video documenting his travels in the west of Ireland, English reactionary YouTuber Morgoth’s Review, commented that he felt that in his native England, the fight against post-war liberal modernity, against the post Tony Blair world, was largely already lost. But in Ireland, he felt an ambient sense that the battle for Ireland’s soul was still actively being fought. That is something that is very much felt here, even by those without the right-wing framework or words to express it so succinctly.

Ultimately, the general public in Ireland is being forcefully confronted with the one ultimate truth that the right has been saying for a long time now.

That migration is THE defining political issue of this century. The truth now for all to see, is that our fight is the same fight as Germany, Italy, France, Spain, Sweden, non-European allies such as Japan, and, yes, even England. As I write this Ireland is days away from a general election, unfortunately, it seems Fianna Fáil and Fine Gael will retake the Dáil, and any truly nationalist alternative gains will be minimal.

I ask friends to not do the work of the Left in Ireland for them. The struggle against gay race communism is the same here as anywhere else, sneering at those who lose some ground will not help you to reclaim yours. And in any case, we Irish are still here, as long as we are here, the fight is not over.

Patience and steadfastness against overwhelming odds over the course of many lifetimes is something we’re more than experienced at.

Posted by Engres


  1. “And in any case, we Irish are still here, as long as we are here, the fight is not over.

    Patience and steadfastness against overwhelming odds over the course of many lifetimes is something we’re more than experienced at.”

    Thank you for these inspiring words. Thank you for this article.


  2. Martha Pope 31/12/2024 at 21:59

    Most Irish people are not tuned into social media politics. They are not engaging with this sort of discourse. I would even go as far as to say that much of this discourse only makes sense to people who are permanently online. What does “gay race communism” mean to someone in Kildare opposed to an IPAS centre? I have never heard anyone use this phrase in real life. The reliance on social media has entirely skewed the debate in the favour of globalists. Time to put down the smart phones.


  3. Colm Meaney 31/12/2024 at 22:30

    Very well written. Colm.


  4. No one was stabbed in Parnell square, same as no one was stabbed in Stockport. It’s so obvious.


  5. Ivaus@thetricolour 01/01/2025 at 15:43


    …..and will we be still here, and for how long…THE MAJORITY.

    At a given moment in time,in the near future,you could pinpoint exactly when the Irish will become A MINORITY in Ireland,it will happen without a doubt should it continue on the trajectory of accepting mass immigration and Irish migration, even before the next GE 2030.

    More alarmingly is the unpredictable/unprecedented situation that a rogue government has billited hundreds to thousands of fighting age migrants in Army Barracks surrounding Dublin and throughout Ireland, we’re not including those in shelters and homeless hotels or camps.
    Is this a strategic move,by whom and for whose interests?

    Yes, Global interest will be insatiable, THEN everybody,everyone in Ireland will declare their allegence to a Nationalist Cause in defending their homes/homelands should some unfortunately unforeseen events arise unexpectedly…that’s the calabre of this rogue reactionary govt.

    It’s well known in media circles,that a lot of these elected tax paid servants of the people,follow the whip and vote against their constituents.
    It’s well known too that while destroying and not defending the Irish Constitution they removed the Right Of Citizens to boot a rogue govt. OUT OF OFFICE…
    It’s also well known that the Ceann C chair was bribed, to shut up the newly elected independent …anything goes for the Permanent Coalition.
    And it’s well known that Southern Irish People are illegally barred from Northern govt. jobs despite a current Northern Ireland Member nominating for a Southern Ireland Seanad position…Legally.

    So we all know, yes WE ALL KNOW…and they all know too,

    The corruption,the incompetence,the cute hoor tactics,the lies,the bull,
    The faults and absolute failures of tax overpaid servants,time and time again…without accepting their responsibilities or penalties for failure.

    and if the only answer or solution is to ACCEPT…quoted in the article

    “Patience and Steadfastness against overwhelming odds over the course of MANY LIFETIMES is something we’re more than experienced at ”

    …it can also mean we’re mad for repeating the same mistakes and expecting different outcomes.

    Why wait,and wait for outside forces to DO SOMETHING before we REACT,when the very same outside forces cause THE PROBLEM.

    Poor Paddy’s Pie is the Payoff for all the Parasitical Parties and Players that Plundered Poor Paddies Pot …and Poor Paddy Prays for more . ☘


    1. Daniel J BUCKLEY 03/01/2025 at 15:45

      well said


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