The more books and tweets nationalists read, the stupider they get. Indians won’t fall into that trap.
Over the past couple of days, the international right-wing Twitter/X sphere has been dominated by one topic—H1B visas to America and the likelihood that Trump will increase “skilled” immigration when he takes office. American nationalists have been horrified to learn that the MAGA-adjacent business leaders that helped Trump get into office and will have a role in the new administration (most notably Elon Musk) aren’t quite as nativist as many had hoped. These online exchanges have descended into ethnic mudslinging, with nationalists telling Indians that they aren’t welcome and that they’re undeserving, and Indians (and their many allies, like Musk) pointing out their sizable and increasing dominance of White Americans in the tech industry particularly.
And thats where it ends. Because Twitter flame wars are the bastions of irrelevant losers. The Indians and MAGA Libs won, and they will get what they want from the Trump administration. Right-wingers are stupid, and lost again.
This episode contains important lessons for Irish nationalism.
The Anatomy Of Defeat
For years and years, Trump has been a known quantity. Throughout his presidential tenure he (at best) got nothing done and (at worst) signal boosted an open borders message. This is not new analysis.
If you want to understand what's wrong about American politics, look no further than the fact that we are currently having a debate about H1B visas AFTER Trump was elected, AFTER he told the population in no unclear terms that he was going to bring infinite Indians to the USA.
(The worldviews of the authors of the tweets quoted in this article do not necessarily reflect the positions of this publication.)
Years ago, American nationalists could have made a concerted effort to ingratiate themselves into the GOP/MAGA movement. They mostly didn’t, and major figures in their ranks even countersignalled those who tried.
Even with this failure, they could have delivered a clear message to the Trump campaign that they wanted commitments on nativist policies or they would swing the election against him.
In the end, to a large extent because of the right-wing energy behind his campaign, Trump won resoundingly. He wouldn’t have lost for making some nativist signals on the campaign trail. As can be seen from his first 4 years, Trump is not very ideological and he can be influenced easily. He’s a businessman and no stranger to bargaining. And he’s an incompetent administrator who is crying out for assistance.
The US right-wing had an open goal to influence his campaign and incumbent administration and they blew it. Tech bros and Indians didn’t make this mistake.
And now? MAGA has become a Frankenstein of “based” immigrant-supremacists, populist cultural degenerates, and proto-schizophrenic lifestyle gurus, providing zero useful benefit to the historic American nation. But it’s much, much worse than that, for a simple reason that right-wingers cannot seem to grasp…
When They Steal Your Support Base, You Lose
This is like the “how would you feel if you hadn’t eaten breakfast” test for right-wingers: “Would you prefer to not be in power at all, or your immediate enemy be in power masquerading as you?”
Obviously, it’s better to not be in power at all. It looks like 4 years of Kamala Harris would be preferable to 4 years of Trump. Because the Trump admin seems to be subverted beyond repair: instead of incompetent Democrat rule and the importation of low-skilled third worlders, a scenario that would at least increase White America’s dissatisfaction with the status quo, America now has an extremely popular political hegemony that will boil the demographic frog for at least one but possibly two terms.
And high-skilled immigration is even more corrosive precisely because these immigrants are more successful: they will assume positions of political and economic power at the expense of European America in a much more palatable way to the average American voter. The man on the street (understandably) just wants to get along with his life—polite and law-abiding Indian and Chinese tech workers (who mostly also just want to get by) will lull normies into a false sense of security.
Mass immigration of any kind is bad for the native population, and well-behaved Asians fly under the radar. They are the perfect thin end of the diversity wedge. And with millions of them likely to pour in to the US over the next 4 years and beyond, this could be the final nail in the demographic coffin of European America.
It could have been different, if basic logic had been applied. If a politician fundamentally isn’t going to do what you want, do not support them. By supporting them anyway, just because they’re closer to your position than the alternative, you’re wasting your time and political capital, and you’re diverting people who agree with you into a trap.
Squandered Momentum
We are political outsiders; the entire establishment is consciously and structurally opposed to our belief in the integrity of the nation state and the undeniable damage that unlimited ethnocultural diversity does to the nation state. In order to win, we need 2 things:
A build-up of anger at the establishment
To ride that wave of anger into office in order to dismantle the hegemony of the establishment
America has now lost both: right-and-centrist-leaning normies are happy with Trump while Trump will only reinforce the pro-diversity establishment with a fresh wave of competent non-Europeans flooding into America and American positions of power.
It’s Not Winning If You Don’t Win
Policy is less important than power. We can all agree that the powers-that-be are not to be trusted, so the focus should be on getting trustworthy people into power. Token policy gains are worthless if the broader arc of your country is still pointing downward.
Unfortunately, because of the online-based nature of right-wing politics, any meagre scraps from the table will be feted as “incredible things happening in <place where very bad things are actually happening>.” This has played out in America and much of Europe (Italy and The Netherlands are notable examples) where populist slop wins overshadow a total failure to overhaul the open borders establishment in any permanent way. Raw milk and gender segregated bathrooms are not victories worth celebrating.
Perhaps the most depressing of all examples is the UK conservative movement. The Tories recently ended a 14-year stint in power, and nationalists got a few scraps (Brexit) along with an even worse immigration policy than a left-wing government would have delivered. All the energy wasted, and now they’re back at Square Zero with much worse demographics. MAGA could become as bad as the Tories, and this illustrates the basic problem with getting into bed with your ideological opponents for short-term gains: a professional, elected cuckservative movement is harder to pry voters away from than a left-wing party.
Another factor is that Trump is funny and liberals hate him, it is enjoyable to see him beat them. His vibes-based charisma is infectious. But only stupid people think that vibes alone are worth much more than clout on social media.
Irish nationalism has the opposite problem. Our movement is ideologically solid, and our desired policies are realistic and popular. But we lack the vibes that someone like Trump has, generally making a dour impression on the electorate. However, vibes can be solved; we can figure that part out. What you can’t figure out is how to oust a subversive that you crowned leader of your movement, who has been politically successful. Square One is better than Square Zero
Attitude Shift & Asian Ascendancy
The response from right-wingers to this worrying rhetoric from the Trump camp has been depressingly predictable: abdicate all responsibility, seek refuge in cope, and recede into pseudointellectualism, delusion, and low-rent bigotry. We hear that nothing could have been done about it. That Trump is somehow going to save America. That Indians are bad because they work hard (unlike the aristocratic basement dwellers of right-wing Twitter, and by the way, larping as an aristocrat is the least aristocratic thing imaginable). That Indians are irrelevant because they don’t have the Faustian spirit of Americans, or that they’re crooked, or some irrelevant nonsense about public sanitation in Uttar-Pradesh. Worse still, the old right-wing chestnut of debating obscure history instead of discussing the topic at hand. This is all cope. All this could be true, but because the first thing (Trump saving America) isn’t true, it’s irrelevant. It won’t bring your country back from the dead.
There are billions of Indians and Chinese. More than enough of them are competent and hardworking enough to total subsume our nations and political systems. And unlike the average nationalist, whose political perspective tends to be burdened with esoteric Walter Mitty-tier conquest fantasies, Asians are acutely aware of how straightforward power politics unfolds: you have to work, and grift, and strategise. In other words, you have to not be stupid—a task that we can’t seem to master.
And you have to work extremely hard, something fairly alien to many nationalists. You have to work hard politically—slogging through boring campaigns and dealing with people you barely agree with on anything. You have to work hard in your career—not just getting by but aggressively accelerating your prestige and influence in a way that practically every Asian immigrant does. And you have to work hard on your mental discipline—THINK about the events unfolding before you and what the best course of action is, instead of jumping on bandwagons or wating your time posting delusional esoterica and philosophical/historical twaddle on social media.
We need to work hard and not be stupid. If we do not, we will sink further into our position as political Dalits—untouchables—in our own homelands, and be eaten alive.
Beware of false prophets…and stupid western governments.
What needs to be pointed out is the GLOBALIST WEF 2030 trajectory is well under way,first 5 years down since 2020 Plandemic and look at the absolute shambles in Western Governance/ Democracies since then, but it is all going TO PLAN…EU Kelergi plan of European replacement.Just look at the state of France,4 govt.shuffles in 1year.Germany is broke due to trade,all throughout the EU is in some form of damage control and in the grips of an all consuming FEAR, fear of everything and the future.
Europe Down.
All the BIG players are ok,they do what they want,they also have veto powers to destroy democratic process in the UN, so despite the absolute majority of 160+ countries, a minority scuttled a peace deal and WE the Majority were forced to watch the LIVE DESTRUCTION OF GAZA.
UN Down.
Despite conflicts of interest- US-arms-Israel, US/EU-arms Ukraine, all the BIG players tell everybody else to fu.k off, which means again that a minority rule has power over a majority…which EU/UN granted in law.
Western Democracies Down.
This all plays out in the interests of the Globalists because they too are a
MINORITY(WEF) who want to control THE MAJORITY (all of us ).
Majority Down.
If you’re a BIG player, Big Country, Big Population,Big Warmonger,
Big Tyrant Politically….you force Western Governments to comply
…and suck holes like This Rogue Ramshackle Irish Government AGREE
Irish Government Down and Out…stop blaming the bloody people. ☘
Just like you I found the article initially baffling and agreed with your sentiments entirely.
I believe that efforts to over complicate and camouflage the narrative are sometimes deliberate, so we must stick with the basics,what we know for definite.
Stay with it brother,we’re here for each other against a common enemy
What in the world are you talking about?
Beware of false prophets…and stupid western governments.
What needs to be pointed out is the GLOBALIST WEF 2030 trajectory is well under way,first 5 years down since 2020 Plandemic and look at the absolute shambles in Western Governance/ Democracies since then, but it is all going TO PLAN…EU Kelergi plan of European replacement.Just look at the state of France,4 govt.shuffles in 1year.Germany is broke due to trade,all throughout the EU is in some form of damage control and in the grips of an all consuming FEAR, fear of everything and the future.
Europe Down.
All the BIG players are ok,they do what they want,they also have veto powers to destroy democratic process in the UN, so despite the absolute majority of 160+ countries, a minority scuttled a peace deal and WE the Majority were forced to watch the LIVE DESTRUCTION OF GAZA.
UN Down.
Despite conflicts of interest- US-arms-Israel, US/EU-arms Ukraine, all the BIG players tell everybody else to fu.k off, which means again that a minority rule has power over a majority…which EU/UN granted in law.
Western Democracies Down.
This all plays out in the interests of the Globalists because they too are a
MINORITY(WEF) who want to control THE MAJORITY (all of us ).
Majority Down.
If you’re a BIG player, Big Country, Big Population,Big Warmonger,
Big Tyrant Politically….you force Western Governments to comply
…and suck holes like This Rogue Ramshackle Irish Government AGREE
Irish Government Down and Out…stop blaming the bloody people. ☘
I’ve learned to listen to you, Ivaus. That made sense.
Just like you I found the article initially baffling and agreed with your sentiments entirely.
I believe that efforts to over complicate and camouflage the narrative are sometimes deliberate, so we must stick with the basics,what we know for definite.
Stay with it brother,we’re here for each other against a common enemy
Ivaus, so true!! And it takes so much courage to speak the truth out plainly and clearly these days – even for the Irish