Fresh life is being breathed into the Republic’s asylum drama as Athlone locals faced off against authorities against plans to impose a 1,000-man refugee centre in the northern suburb of Lissywollen.

Already subject to a well-attended public meeting, an intense boycott and legal challenges by councillors Sunday’s protest started at 1 pm at Athlone Civic Centre. 

A long march then commenced through the town out of the Lissywollen IPAS site. There was a crowd of about 200 – 300 led by veteran campaigner John Molloy. 

The march went on throughout the route to the would-be IPAS centre with chants of “Athlone Says No” and “No Plantation” ringing out. The vocal turnout occurred despite the aftermath of Storm Darragh and poor weather conditions.

At just before 2:30 pm the march approached the road leading to the IPAS site. 

Bussed in Gardai had barriers put up to stop the protestors from getting close to the site. The crowd advanced to the barriers, cable ties were cut and the crowd continued to advance down the road in spite of desperate and futile attempts by the gardai to stop them.

At this point, a 65-year-old woman was knocked to the ground by Gardai and injured.

The rest of the crowd advanced up to the second perimeter. A few young lads managed to slip through a gate in the fence before gardai had blocked it. These lads managed to run amok inside the site for a while until they got out.

At this point, the statement of Athlone’s civil resistance was made, and with low numbers, there wasn’t a chance to go any further. Organiser John Molloy then called the crowd back out to the road as many were concerned for the welfare of the woman who was on the ground outside awaiting an ambulance. Protestors then dispersed at this point.

Contrary to any media spin or attempts by ruling parties and local councillors to dogwhistle on the matter the Lissywollen site is very much in contestation and a testament to the asylum issue remaining on the agenda.

If anything the continued harassment of Irish communities by the Department of Integration looks set to fuel most resistance in the coming weeks, months and years with Athlone a sign of just how much protestors are settling in for the long term against a plan to cripple their locality.

Posted by The Burkean


  1. Great reporting. Keep up the good work. The statement from the cops was very mild: no mention of extremists, and actually saying that we have Constitutionally protected right to assembly and protest. Sounds like even senior Garda have lost enthusiasm for the new plantation. If the cops won’t enforce it, then a little bit more pressure and the foreigners won’t have much option but to scram. They are reportedly claiming they were scared and are being told to get the fuck out in local shops…Slán abhaile, a bhuachaillí!


  2. Ivaus@thetricolour 10/12/2024 at 07:02

    Athlone Standoff…morphs to the Big Bang Showdown of 2025 n beyond

    Although this should have happened throughout Irelands GE, it still
    highlights what is the most serious concern to all Irish Communities.

    Now President Elect Trump has already sent the rats of EU scurrying and a special consideration in kicking the Irish Guv’s Arse on the cards.

    Communist Merkle having destroyed European Border Security followed
    by Lier von Lying shackling EU with UN Migration Pact and trying to
    cover it up by so called URGENT DEPORTATION ACT is up for roasting considering Trumps Home Security Priority.

    The scrawny skinny arsed rats of Leinster House being the Stupid Poster Boy for EU DOGMA will be floor wiped throughout the entire White House ST PATRICKS DAY PILGRIMAGE FOR PADDY for their Open Border Policy and in particular their destruction and weaknesses of
    Western Democracy…the squealing will be heard in granny’s kitchen for the entire day while the Irish People can cheer to YOUR FIRED ECHOS

    Drawing Straws , fascist Mussolini Martin is sure to draw the IRE of
    then President Trump who detests weakness,traitors and fools who do not believe in SOVEREIGNTY…a rebel county coward no exception.
    Slymon Harris being too scared after facing geriatric Biden, will nominate Mc Nut but that will totally destroy their annual jaunt and end
    USA/IRELAND relationship permanently.

    The money train will be derailed by Trump…and no more $ APPLE 😥


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