Best of luck to British people sorting out their country. They are a European Christian nation and should not be subjected to the evils of globalism.

That being said, the march in Belfast today was organised by loyalists. It is a tragedy that a foreigner killed some of their children – but two weeks ago the same people were singing songs about being “up to their knees” in the blood of Irish people, Irish children included.

The Irish people have more than one threat to their existence. Loyalists have been the principal threat to our existence for hundreds of years and that is still the case. Loyalists have committed a lot more heinous acts on our people than any other group has.

There is a subversive element to these marches in some ways. An image that circulated widely says “Unite The Clans” and has pictures of all the UK flags and a tricolor. If you can’t see how such an image undermines the independence of the 26 counties, never mind the 6 counties, you need to think a bit harder. As for “Unite The Clans”, you must be joking – this is almost explicitly a call for Ireland to rejoin the UK. Loyalist Brits are not our kin and never will be. Silly appeals to White Nationalism are diametrically opposed to Irish ethnic consciousness.

We must reject the slave morality of petty hatred for all protestants in the north, or constantly moralise about what happened to us. But we must not forget what happened to us or it will happen again.

From a pragmatic perspective, liaising with loyalists is the quickest way to lose all support from Irish Republicans in the north and south

It also puts us on the radar of the British security services who are a lot more competent than those in the 26 counties.

Such an alliance is also fruitless. The solution to immigration into the island of Ireland is a sea border with the UK. Loyalists will never accept that and any who do will be immediately marginalized by the rest of their community. Much like Irish nationalists who march with loyalists will be marginalized by Catholics in the 6 counties.

Listen to what leftists say, they’re often unintentionally giving you good advice. When they try to associate you with Loyalists, they’re accidentally telling you what to do: avoid all such associations. Some people misunderstand and double down, however, which is what leftists are baiting. Ergo, you fell into the trap. It’s an own goal we don’t need.

Those Irish nationalists who went to Belfast did so in good faith and should not be lambasted. But despite their good intentions, they made a strategic error. Surely those people are genuine Irish people working hard for their country, however.

We should constructively inform fellow Irish nationalists about the spiritual and strategic danger of working with loyalists. We cannot be compromising in this regard but we should be understanding.

Instead of marching under Union Jacks, why not organise a separate march under the tricolor in Belfast? And make it clear that it is not a counter protest to the loyalist one, just separate

Alternatively, it could have been agreed that no national flags are to be waved and the topic should focus on migrant crime. (This proposal would likely be unworkable).

Another less axiomatic but no less relevant point is that British nationalism and loyalism have been riddled with grifters and spooks for a very long time.

Regardless, we need to focus on Ireland first, and stay true to the principles of our Fenian dead.

Posted by The Burkean


  1. Linda Freedman 03/08/2024 at 7:09 pm

    All European countries need to stand firm together on this. These people are being filtered into Europe as a weapon of war. The Russians are trying to destablise Europe and this is a tactic. That’s why they are giving out fake news. First of all about the assailant although his religion or where he was born was immaterial, like the man in Dublin the fact that they live in the West for so long and are capable of such viciousness against children is more disturbing in some ways than if they stepped off the last dinghy. Secondly they are doing the same thing with fake news about a stabbing in Stoke. We all need to take our arguments to the Politicians with the same voice. If only they would quit attacking the police I would be on the streets myself now.


    1. El Tio Rico 18/08/2024 at 1:53 pm

      “The Russians are trying to destablise Europe and this is a tactic. ” (sic)
      Wake up already and open your eyes. You might just figure something out. “Putin did it….” yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawn


  2. This is such a silly post – an overt attempt to breathe life into “the Troubles” again. The Loyalists have done nothing to the Irish. Look up the figures for the Troubles – 3000 dead, and two-thirds of that was by the IRA. Given that track record, maybe you should be lucky the Loyalists would march with you. Clearly, the Irish are our kin — on any DNA approach, the Irish are the closest relatives to the British in Europe. Do a 23andme, and you’ll find that out. Basically, if we succeed in Britain, it will have a positive effect on Ireland. So stop being so damn churlish.


  3. It’s true that going to Belfast and marching with the true Blues will get you on the UK watch list. But hey, with Drew running the show here, will it really make any difference???

    I thought it was wonderful that whoever organised it specifically invited people to bring both Union Jacks and Tricolours. This is the highest level of Catholic/Protestant united action since Wolfe Tone in 1798. Nobody was marching “under” the Union jack. They were marching alongside it, in what you might say was Christian brotherhood, if that term is not offensive to somebody…

    The elites have used a Catholic/Protestant game in Ireland for 400 years. But all we have to do is accept our larger identity as Christians – and good neighbours – and suddenly the centuries of division and chopping lumps out of each other disappear.

    It was wonderful to see that Republicans and Loyalists can march together in a peaceful and respectful way.

    Beir bua


  4. James Connolly 03/08/2024 at 10:19 pm

    No, this is bad advice from The Burkean.

    I would sooner stand shoulder to shoulder with a Northern Loyalist than sit back and watch both Nationalist and Loyalist lands get overrun by African and Arab colonising invaders.

    We have a shared history and culture, we need to set aside our historical differences and stand together against this invasion.

    Otherwise we will still be squabbling over Green and Orange issues when we become a powerless minority in our homelands.

    These Islamists, these African and Arab colonisers will not differentiate between Loyalist and Nationalist. They care nothing for us, our culture, our women and children.

    It is time to put aside past differences and unite to repel the invaders. We can revisit those differences once we secure the future of our homeland and the safety of our people.


  5. Ivaus@thetricolour 04/08/2024 at 6:57 am

    “Stuff the British Stole”
    An interesting documentary series,no only confined to the actual stealing of treasures of National significance, from countries throughout the global empire of forced colonisations by the English Crown Forces, it also highlights the Deaths,Massacres,cover ups,destruction of recorded documentation that is completely opposite to the narrative being told at the time,and the rewriting of historical facts,that are presented today as a true account.
    Fortunately,for the victims,enough historical data has survived,and some coming from English archives that was purposely hidden. We know know the TRUTH and the proof to support a global challenge to English written history…it’s time to educate their own Subjects on the abuses of the crown,and compensation is due,not just in correcting history but to
    Deaths that reached Holocaust or Genocide proportions while promoting it as ” British ” ( this is an attempt to spread the blame ).

    They are not SUBJECTS, to a crown fantasy
    They are not BRITISH, to a label of butcher or criminal
    They are not LOYALISTS, to an imported plantation label
    They are not UNIONISTS, to a play of imported politics

    So when all of the above is ACCEPTED,AGREED AND ACKNOWLEDGED by those that are NOT IRISH,
    We then shall expect COMPENSATION
    And recognition that only Irish People are Ethnic Irish People


  6. I disagree. I think it’s great that loyalists and republicans can march together, with the common slogan: Get them out!


  7. Silly how “my post is awaiting moderation” by an outfit that claims to be pro-free speech and pro-nationalism. It seems you are too far stuck up your own fundaments to do anything to save your country. Good luck to all genuine Irish! The Burkean is not showing the way!


  8. This was a historic occasion: first time EVER that Union Jacks and Tricolours were seen on the same demo. The Christian civil war is over (after 400 years). Now let’s work together to start deporting dodgy foreigners. It’s probably a good time for the loyalists to stop supporting the Israelis: the Israelis are heavily pushing migration to UK and ROI.

    Mr Webb is perhaps a little crude and simplistic in what he says, but he is not wrong.


    1. Brian James 13/08/2024 at 6:51 pm

      I agree with the Burkean that the march Irish/loyalist march was an error.

      We are entitled to territorial sovereignty, but this is still denied to us. It is denied, in part, by the continued prescence of a British planter population in the six counties.

      To march with the Loyalists, without a commitment from them to a United Ireland, amounts to an acceptance of partition and an acceptance of the continuation of British rule in the North of Ireland. There is no scenario where Ireland is united and both flags can fly.

      You cannot take the easy road by standing with a planter in opposition to another plater, not until the loyalist tears up his orange order membership and burns his sash, or leaves the island entirely.

      One can imagine a scenario 50 years from now when a group of Irish protestors stand with algerian migrants to oppose the arrival of a group from tibet. If that sounds absurd to you, then take a step back and think clearly about this crrent situation.


  9. Yes, Diarmuid, Loyalist support for Israel is perplexing!


  10. IMHO, the spy agencies started the NI conflict. They encouraged it with carefully planned massacres on both sides. Read “The Yank”, memoirs of John Cawley, an IRA man or “50 dead men walking” by McGartland, a catholic spy in the IRA. It’s clear that the vast majority of IRA activities had a spy, and were only allowed continue because the spies wanted it.

    The spies also used the conflict as a cover to kill inconvenient members of the British establishment – eg. MP Airey Neave, and Unionist MP Bradford.
    When they wanted the conflict to stop, they killed top RUC men in a helicopter crash and flooded NI with the “love drug” Ecstasy.

    The conflict was great for the manipulators: a chance to blood their men, create hatred and chaos, and bring in more surveillance and harsher laws in the UK.

    The loyalist community are probably becoming aware that they have been manipulated. Perhaps it was the inflow of mainland UK darkies, claiming to be real British unionists, and even running in elections for Unionist parties?

    Enough is enough.


  11. Diarmuid, I read the article by Graham Gudgin, former adviser to David Trimble, at He argues there will never be a United Ireland, but his reason for that is the rise of the ethnic minorities in the North. Although to some extent this relates to Poles and Lithuanians, but it also refers to non-white foreigners, who are MUCH less likely to assimilate. He argues the Nationalists, while the larger community now, have peaked demographically, and that they will never be an absolute majority. In fact, both the Nationalist and Unionist communities will decline as a percentage as the migrants become a larger factor – East Europeans and Africans and Asians. Strangely, Britain’s plans to hang onto Northern Ireland revolve around mass migration – which of course should be opposed by both main communities in NI.


  12. Ivaus@thetricolour 05/08/2024 at 4:19 pm

    IRELAND (United)
    Not Now
    Not Ever

    Well, never say never.
    It surely must be dawning on Irish People by now, that all of Ireland,both
    North and South has been played as a pawn,in the past and presently…
    Fundamentally a POLITICAL CAN, to kick down any road by it’s
    shared enemies.
    Northern Ireland was thrown on the table at Westminster previously when Hong Kong was handed back to China.
    Recently Dundalk was up for bartering as a New Hong Kong destination
    by Government and Investors.

    Irish DNA was contracted out to China ( CCP ), who would be sole beneficiary and controller, for so called research purposes…Interesting

    Nationalist and Unionists, despite their combined MAJORITY and
    Ethnic Majority to Their Homelands are considered Irrelevant,we’re
    talking ALLIRELAND…because the game plan is to increase the replacement minorities….thus maintaining status quo,voters and tax.
    No wonder the Foreign Mayor of Derry called all Irish terrorists.

    IRELANDS FREE FOR ALL…that includes everybody, except Paddies


  13. This is not a time for European peoples to air their grievances. It is time to unite.


  14. The Burkean reaction here is ill informed, myopic & ignorant.

    Working class & rural communities across Ireland (North and South) and Britain are the target of long running, unsustainable levels of ‘infinite migration’ legal and illegal. Walking down Moore Street or Dublin north innercity and some of our suburbs is no different to walking down some parts of the UK where the British are either fled or in a severe minority. British and Irish Welfare systems, health care, Housing suppply are victim of profound systematic abuse from the same foreign groups. Often they will go to one of our nations then to another and back again leaving a trail of lies, crimes, fake identities and welfare claims.

    So we both face the same issues at the same time from the same direction. While culturally, historically, ethnically and in terms of shared general heritage both of our countries are (among) the most closely interlinked on the planet.

    People on both nations acknowledging the common issues being faced is a positive development, it is good for unionism on the ground as well as for the Irish protestors dealing with the same issues. On this issue we are all on the same side.

    If you look at Irish republicanism there are only a small minority who actively support flooding our rural and working class communities with welfare migrants and wider open borders. The silent majority are kept silent by SF Commissars. The silent majority in Irish republicanism need to assess their position here. They are the ones who are in the wrong not everyone else who can find common ground despite historical traditional differences.


  15. The late T C D economist Ray Crotty predicted ( during the late eighties ) civil war on the island . His forecast will come true if the Brits ( I thought Starmer loved Ireland ) keep dumping their’s & France’s unwanted asylum seekers to dumb Paddy # 2025 will be pivotal


  16. I was glad to see two, white Irish peoples join together: Southerners and Scots Irish. Bless them!


  17. Good news! It seems the NIPS are collaborating with anti-migration rioters and building burners.

    From RTE News today: Mohammed Idriss says he rang the cops when a crowd appeared outside his cafe, chanting “Where’s Mohammed?”. If the cops wanted to, them could be there in five minutes. But it was an hour before they showed up….then later in the evening, there were lots of cops in trucks watching – and doing absolutely nothing! – his cafe as rioters set fire to it.

    They even allowed the burners enough time to go off and bring more firewood back to improve combustion throughout the building.

    Get this: The Cops issued a statement basically bragging that yeah they have lots of riot control gear. They could have stopped the burning, if they wanted to. But the safety of their officers comes first. It’s obviously a lot safer to watch people burning the place rather than try to intervene to stop it….

    RTE Ladyjournalist mocks poor Mohammed: Are you scared? Where will you go now? LMAO!

    Plus dozens of peaceful road blocks in NI: Cops come along, don’t lay a finger on the roadblockers.

    Cops be like: If Two Tier Kier wants to arrest these peaceful protestors, he can do it himself. It’s lunchtime, I’m off to buy me some top quality organic doghnuts

    Greg at Counter Currents has great article where he reprints the statement of some top Ladycop in the UK: She spells it out to Keith Starmer: If you want someone to arrest 100,000 peaceful anti-migration protestors, PC Plod ain’t going to do for you. Who will? The Gurkhas? Unlikely…

    Check out Martin Sellner’s english language channel for high vis, slick, peaceful, legal and very funny ways to raise awareness of the simple slogan and heartfelt demand of all us Europeans: REMIGRATION, please!

    Recall Parliament! Stop the boats! Deport the foreign criminals! Encourage peaceful remigration of people who dislike us!


  18. Niall Doyle 12/08/2024 at 2:49 pm

    I agree generally with the content of this article in that Irish nationalists would never be given any respect by Ulster Unionists.

    However, the political establishments in Belfast, Dublin and London are terrified of the prospect of both traditions coming together. Not just coming together generally, but coming together in opposition to open door, unregulated and out of control immigration. That prospect frightens the life out of them.


  19. “Not just coming together generally, but coming together in opposition to open door, unregulated and out of control immigration. That prospect frightens the life out of them.” Niall, that is reason enough to unite against immigration. If it frightens the life out of the establishments North and South, then it must be a good thing.


  20. Ivaus@thetricolour 15/08/2024 at 5:58 pm

    Birds of a feather flock together
    It’s been a lockstep lockdown lockjaw globalist government cabal throughout the EU,Ireland and Britain,highlighted especially since 2020.

    WHY.??? it’s probably the first time in history ( Globalist Takeover )

    Maybe ,
    Abandon and Isolate WEST EUROPEANS from the Continent! Why ?

    Isn’t Charles 3rd a Globalist
    Isn’t Charls 3rd a WEF contributer
    Isn’t Chas a COMMON DENOMINATOR…regarding past and present

    Tread carefully those who have United Before,and been betrayed by
    broken promises and treaties.

    WEST BRITAINS…controlled by WHOM…a common enemy! Listening


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