(Editor:This post is mostly satire, but still somehow less bizarre than Irish government policy. Nothing here should be interpreted as libelous, GRMA)
I am very grateful for Conor Gallagher’s article “Former Ku Klux Klan leader mentoring Irish far-right extremists online” published in your paper on 24 July 2024.
How does a foreigner, an American with a foreign sounding name like DaSilva, dare to “mentor” anybody in Ireland? Don’t we have enough native Irish “mentors”? Next, that far-right extremist Yank is going to look for a teaching job here in Ireland, maybe even at third-level. Well, feck him. He probably thinks that by giving himself a Mexican sounding name and growing a bushy mustachio he can fool our excellent Diversity, Equality and Inclusion people. No way, José! He might try and come to Ireland, though, as an International Protection Applicant. He could say he was persecuted in the States as a rare species of animal, what with the “grand dragon” that he is. They might believe him, after all, right? Our International Protection Applicants Processers believe all kinds of stories these days.
Also, I find it despicable that our own far-right fascist extremist people mix with a foreign ex-con, even con-line, sorry “online”. Have they no decency at all? Ex-cons like DaSilva should be dealt with like they tell you on the trains in Britain, when it comes to hate stuff: See it, Say it, Sort it. Identify them – which Mr Gallagher did by publishing all identifying details of Irish people he spoke to on telegram. Tell everyone about them fellows – which Mr Gallagher also did, on the front page of your lovely paper, and sort them out. O.K., I could do that, if you like. I could call on a few of the lads and have a decent vigilante march to their houses and burn the bastards out of council house and home.
By the way, encouraged by Mr Conor Gallagher’s fine research, I did my own bit of investigation con-line. One of them Telegram groups that the Dragonman and those follows use includes a certain “Aideolf Ó hItléar…”
First, I was fooled, like anyone else would be. But then it dawned on me, that behind the fine Irish name a very quare fellow is hiding his true self. Like DaSilva is trying to hide behind his Mexican name, it is the Führer himself! And now the whole moustache andl business makes sense! Get it?? Wasn’t Adolf himself decked out in a hairy bit on the upper lip? And don’t the Mexican vaqueros wear brown shirts? How deep does this go?
You should send the guards down and pick up Mr Adolf Hitler and any other lunatics who use telegram! They will give him a good thrashing with the baton like they gave to that scum in Coolock. That’ll teach him! Well, on second thoughts, maybe not such a good idea. He might think about becoming an International Protection Applicant himself. And then, we will never get rid of him.
Mentoring Ireland – A Lifetime – From the Cradle to the Grave.
It does not only involve ” Outside Players ” but ” Outside Influencers ”
all of which fall under the banner of TRAITORS TO IRELAND.
The news of today also reveals the news of yesterday’s last 50-100yrs ago,
so it’s quite apparent that no untainted Irishman,or be it Irish Influence
has taken centre stage or have been a Leader- Taoiseach.
Being born Irish,
in Ireland,you are lucky to have avoided Abortion,compliments of it’s
current 1/2 leader,the unwanted,unelected,multiple counted turncoat
Ss Harrassment,who successfully completed a 180 degree turn to abortion and denied pain medication to live babies undergoing murder in the womb.
Irish Schooling,
you are lucky to have a place among your own race,sometimes the only ethnic Irish Child in class.In an education system that removes your Catholic Identity and promotes transgender ideology to as young as 4yr olds. Compliments of a Minister O’ who has links to pedophilia and a previous imported self proclaimed witch/lesbian.
Irish Church,
You are lucky to have survived the indoctrination at school but as yet must overcome the history of abusers under the names of Priests and Bishops,who do not challenge the status quo of govt. or faith deniers.
Irish Hospitals,
You are unlucky but sure to end up here because of waiting lists, mass exodus of qualified Irish doctors and nurses and the importation of 3rd world skills. What was once a world respected institution is now an incompetent shambles,a nightmare,a glorified waste of taxpayers €€€.
Irish Jobs,
You are lucky to have a well paying Irish job,most Overseas Employers hire Overseas Employees,thus ensuring lower labor costs and guaranteeing OVERSEAS PROFITS AND TAX EVASION.
Irish Homes,
You are Extremely Lucky to have an Irish Home,reality check,you will not in the planned future.Options being to join the Irish Homelessness or Migrate,maintaining the planned exedus of ” The Irish ” over generations past and present. Renting is not an option or affordable as foreign vulture funds control the market and the players ( govt. )
Irish Sport,
You are lucky to be in an Irish Sport that has not been tarnished by sexual abuse. GAA, Rugby,Football,Swimming Et et et. and that’s not including the lack of funding or sponsorship. Same ole same ole for generations and the only achievers have succeeded at great personal costs and talent.
Irish Media,Broadcasting,
Unlucky for Ireland you have none,but you pay for the con. Controlled by govt.and outsiders at the helm and GOVT. GUARANTEED TAX €€€.
has nothing to boast about,for all it’s waste over generations,of taxpayers forced participation in a corrupt scam of a nation.
Lieo the liar, a first generation foreigner,put outsiders above Irish.
sSimon Covany, agenda 2030,Bilderberg,Sutherland,imported labor.
Police Conmissioner H- imported RUC, MI5…creates Irish Far right.
and the rest of the sneaky bastardised lot that have been MENTORED by Globalists,Communists,Regressive Liberalists,Leftist, UN, EU, WEF,
NGO and TRAITORS….the answer is no,
…your hands were played.