Coolock Says No have scheduled a public meeting for 6pm Friday July 19th at the Crown Paints site. Police representatives, local politicians, and media have been invited. They are encouraging all concerned Irish people to attend if possible to voice their anger at the mistreatment of the area as discussed in this article.

Barricade politics looks like lingering a while longer in Coolock as baton charges this week emphasised a new reality bedding down in working-class communities in Dublin and other parts of the country.

A hubristic attempt by the Department of Integration to convert a disused paint warehouse into a refugee shanty town within spitting distance of a local children’s leisure centre has sparked scenes not seen south of Newry this side of the anti-H-Block protests.

Anyone who knows the historical and socio-economic trend lines knows that Pandora has well and truly opened up her box and all sorts of demons are about to potentially leap out onto Irish streets as the infrastructure of Liberal Ireland creaks at the prospect of a genuine civil uprising to the migration crisis.

There were only so many times this community whack-a-mole by IPAS and the Department would continue before we’d encounter a social uprising.

Coolock and a dozen other localities are now tinder boxes as the asylum issue explodes onto Irish towns and parishes leaving both a political infantile populist right, backfooted left and beleaguered state apparatus to deal with a fast moving reality no one can properly apprehend let alone control.

Drew Harris and An Garda Síochána’s response in Coolock is less about quelling disorder and more about crushing the resolve of fathers and mothers objecting to the destruction of their community as they roll out RUC-style tactics on the streets of a Dublin suburb as an example for other would-be rebels.

The anti-asylum protests that have ignited since East Wall are now transitioning into community defenders as an unprecedented political vacuum opens up between the canals within Irish estates being suffocated by the weight of ethnic replacement.

June’s local elections wasn’t a knockout blow for right-wingers but enough to whet the appetites into incentivising serious politics as shown by recent electoral alliance but more importantly grant nationalists local street cred through a handful of elected councillors.

The Irish Right is finding its natural rhythm with the sound of Garda clubs, radicalising a segment of young male working-class public opinion that until recently had been attracted into republicanism as their primary vehicle for patriotic anti-system politics.

The dead-end, hyper-Americanised ‘boomer’ politics of the 2010s is being replaced our side of the aisle by turbo-charged youngella agitation as communities tool-up against a runaway asylum industry.

We are not getting a Farage, a Trump or even a Le Pen but instead a politically chaotic yet antifragile and in its own way beautiful communitarian response to mass migration active on the streets as it is the ballots.

Courtesy of our 20th Century experience, Ireland, Dublin in particular, is unlike the rest of Europe for having a reserve of fighting-aged men outside the political reservation with communities with enough fightback to take the Great Replacement head on thanks to the legacy of social Catholicism and militant republicanism.

We are facing a long slog ahead with CSO census stats showing the dark reality that we are at the start rather than the end of mass migration as our jaded economic model, quisling NGO elites and asylum industry contributes to many more millions coming to our shores before midcentury.

For all the well deserved jubilation about the backbone of Coolock a vortex is opening up in Irish society akin to the collapse of Derry’s Civil Rights Movement into paramilitarism and the decades long sectarian warfare that emerged from it. Instead of mild migration restrictions or even dogwhistles our regime is risking civil unrest bordering on the violence that toppled Carsonism in the North half a century ago.

Localised narco-politics is on a collision course with the politics of mass migration both with the aliens imported and  the prospect of local Irish drug peddlers being radicalised and leading the charge in anti-asylum agitation.

Beyond any fantasies of the “Provos, but this time nativist” emerging from the chaos of Coolock and similar standoffs what awaits us is a byzantine social crisis of community misery as nationalist gangs take the fight to a despotic state. There’s one thing calling for the deaths of TDs and overthrow of the government on Twitter, it’s another to witness the social and political descent into anarchy even if it’s the only option left to avoid racial replacement.

The Public Order Unit and juryless courts in the form of the Special Criminal Court is the last line of defence for the state and its comprador elite with the prospect of PSNI vans heading down the M1 the next step once the domestic muscle is exhausted.

Moreover, Ireland’s asylum malaise is occurring during a time of spiralling geopolitical chaos as the liberal order that modern Ireland was nurtured disintegrates in the face of bloc politics. Dublin elites are in a world no one other than the PSNI is coming to bail out should the natives enter rebellion mode and where Google won’t always be able to pay the bills.

Equivalent to the decade long class war waged against our co-ethnics in South Boston during disintegration Coolock is the firing shot in anti-state conflict that will reshape our capital city and country as communities fight for their very existence against gentrification and state enforced diversity.

The future is here for Irish politics, and it’s being streamed by Phil Dwyer.

Posted by The Burkean


  1. Daniel BUCKLEY 19/07/2024 at 6:00 am

    The inculcation of passivity and helplessness by the Regime and its institutions, by use of an insidious psy-ops system is an essential foundation of its power, not only on the political level but also on the social, economic, and cultural levels as well.
    The entire structure of the system depends upon manipulating the People into believing (or not challenging the assumption) that they are not capable of performing the simple democratic functions that every human society in history has performed as a matter of routine.
    It is the constant instruction of the RTE propagandists that we are at fault for not accepting the destruction of our Homeland by Mass Plantation Migration and the future of our own children, enforcing our own laws, defending our own homes and neighborhoods, or earning our own living.
    We are not capable of thinking our own thoughts without ubiquitous and self-appointed pundits to explain to us what we see and hear, nor of forming our own tastes and opinions without advice.
    We are to remain docile ,subservient and silent as our Nation undergoes a modern Genocide by , Toxic Covid Injections, Displacement and Infanticide.
    The Quisling Regime are but the Comprador enforcement puppets of Finance Capital that has been gorging itself on the resources of Ireland for decades , with the Irish Nations People and culture as the collateral damage to be sacrificed without qualms in the feeding frenzy.
    Irealnd has been here many times before and historical memory has revived in its most reviled working class areas to stand against Tyranny ,despotism and dispossession.
    I stand with the People of Coolock and the many other towns & villages affected by the Regime organised, socially .destructive invasion of our Homeland


  2. Ivaus@thetricolour 20/07/2024 at 5:40 am

    Never let it be said, “Your Mother raised a jibber ”
    A decade of discontent is on the horizon,despite the failures of pro-aggressive left fascist liberalism.Thinking the, powers that be, can batter into submission their own bloody electorates of Ethnic Irish Citizens against the populist will,by use of militant Gardai primed for thuggish assault on the innocents,is in itself an act of war,anarchy and treacherous discrimination,that will meet the full force of civil rebellion.It’s not a case of being shocked or surprised when that has been their planned intention for so long,using their alliances to NGO, EU and UN to bolster tyranny.

    When all the older estates surrounding Dublin decide to join their fellow Patriots in Coolock,and they will…no Garda force,army or IMPORTED BACKUPS crossing any Irish Borders will defeat the wills of a United Irish Commitment to Community….yes,they foolishly opened Pandora.

    The hill to die on,
    we said it all would happen while they cried wolf.


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