Tag: Varadkar

The Varadkar Foundation? What is Behind the Former Taoiseach’s United Ireland Pivot
We live in an era of liberal politicos reinventing themselves through backroom foundations and institutes. The Clintons mastered the trade in the late 90s only to be outdone recently by Tony Blair as his eponymous foundation became the rallying point...

Our Gallant Allies: How Will Irish Progressives Deal with Europe’s Turn Right?
With Ireland’s NGOcracy scrambling to put out fires at home, liberals took a minor spit take at the presence of An Taoiseach in Brussels hobnobbing with Órban and Meloni at this month's EU migration summit. A standard tête-à-tête, it constituted...

Leo The Loin Hearted Returns: A Taste of What Is To Come
Christmas has come early for Leo Varadkar who, having recently got his rocks off in a Dublin gay disco, has returned as Taoiseach, as chief of the Irish and, more particularly, of anyone else who rocks up in our green...

Fine Gael’s Vested Interests in Censorship Legislation
Between Helen McEntee’s Hate Speech Bill and the Media Regulation Bill, the Irish government has ramped up its efforts to contain online political dissent. The coalition government’s continued mismanagement of political crises has contributed to a growing public discontent in...

Fine Gael’s Housing Crisis
Ireland’s ongoing housing crisis has provided a discordant note to the official government narrative that we are somehow living in a golden age. The figure of 10,000 homeless is only the tip of the iceberg. For a generation of renters...

The Resurrection of Hungary: A Modern Parallel for Ireland
“The new state that we are building is an illiberal state, It does not deny foundational values of liberalism, such as freedom, etc. But it does not make this ideology a central element of state organization, but applies a specific,...

The Rush to Introduce Abortion Shows it Was Always About Politics
As the introduction of widespread abortion looms ever closer, the journey towards becoming this brave new Ireland suddenly appears to be fraught with difficulties. Before the referendum in May, Government politicians and pro-choice activists went to great lengths to accentuate...

Houses as Cars and the State of Dublin Planning
If you want to sell a car in the European Union, your offering has to meet quite a lot of very specific standards. For example, Commission Regulation 1008/2010, a six-thousand-word epic: “… concerning type-approval requirements for windscreen wiper and washer...

Language, Spin and Irish Politics
“It seems that our public life is now to be dominated by spin and that plain speaking is elided in favour of meaningless public relations speak.” - Mr. Justice Peter Charleton In his latest report on the Disclosures Tribunal, Mr....