Tag: Trans

Trinity Trans Referendum to Boycott Irish Times Flops

Ireland's cultural revolutionaries went just that bit further in undermining themselves yesterday with the failure of a referendum intended to boycott the Irish Times in Trinity College. Driven by the embattled paper of record's decision to platform trans critical feminists...

/ 27/11/2021

TENI in Tatters? Trans NGO Sees Mass Resignations Amid Harassment and Financial Woes

The Burkean has taken inordinate interest in TENI Ireland the past year, the nation's premier trans advocacy group noted for their rather sloppy accounts and links to the corridors of power. They have been essential in giving Ireland arguably the...

/ 06/11/2021

Female-Only Sports. Fun While it Lasted.

When America sneezes, the world catches a cold. Unfortunately this assessment has proven true of Ireland, which has always been hellbent on importing and aping American culture. However, it seems over the past half decade, the youth of Ireland have...

/ 16/02/2021

Who’s funding the Irish Trans Industry? —TENI’s Ambiguous Accounting

The past decade has witnessed a renaissance for Irish trans activism culminating in the Gender Recognition Act of 2015, which arguably effectuated the world’s most permissive transgender recognition regime. Facilitating ‘self-recognition’ with no questions asked for individuals over the age...

/ 14/01/2021

LGB Alliance Ireland and Ireland’s New TERF Wars

Few could have ignored the sanguinary factional dispute among Irish progressives during the past few weeks over the apparent emergence of liberal TERF groups dedicated to overthrowing Ireland’s inordinately lax transgender laws. Not ones to take political dissonance lightly, the...

/ 15/11/2020