Tag: Soros

Why Hungary Must Defeat the NGO Complex-Viktor Orbán
The following is a syndication of a 2020 blog post by Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán. In it he defends the right of Hungary to operate as a free Christian nation against the subversive role played by foreign human rights...

Newstalk Partners with Soros NGO to Combat Populism
As the American presidential election rolls around and the potential for post-Covid electoral destabilisation emerges, the powers that be have commenced a new round of measures to clamp down on dissident voices. Zoning in on the tech platforms, the clampdown...

The Death of a Republic II : The Death of a Culture
To whom it may concern; Éireann had changed since you last laid eyes on her. Despite her various ailments, she was once a rather lively and joyful young woman. However, in her latter years, she had grown addicted and dependent...

The Death of a Republic I : The Death of a Democracy
To whom it may concern; I hereby regret to inform you that after a long battle with various afflictions, the Irish Republic (née Saorstát Éireann) passed away during the year 2018. She went relatively peacefully in her sleep, the last...

The Burkean Interviews Maria Steen of the No Campaign
Maria Steen is at the forefront of the pro-life campaign in Ireland, and she is urging a No vote in the upcoming referendum on the Eighth Amendment tomorrow on May 25th. She is a spokeswoman for the Iona institute and...