Tag: Sinn Féin

Paddy’s Populist Pivot — Is Cosgrave Our Guy?
What to do when yuppies go rogue? That must be the question ruminated upon by elements of our government at the political noises being made by former tech golden boy Paddy Cosgrave, famous by way of the ill fated Web...

Thousands of Irish People Protest New “Discriminatory and Unfair” Lockdown Restrictions
Protesters amassed outside Áras an Uachtaráin in Phoenix park this evening in response to the recent ramming through of Covid legislation last night by the government. The legislation, which has stirred up significant controversy nationwide, would forbid many of those...

Exit Edwin: What the Poots Resignation Means for Unionism
A new First Minister has been crowned, and fast falls the Sword of Damocles on Edwin Poots for his temerity. Less than a month after a bitter and public backstabbing that saw Arlene Foster toppled, her successor has suffered the...

Ruairí Ó Brádaigh: Case Study in Irish Republican Absolutism
On the eve of his execution, James Connolly, mindful of how posterity would perceive him, said that ‘the Socialists will not understand why I am here; they forget I am an Irishman’. The theme underlying those words also rings true...

Eoghan Harris: Downfall of a Regime Journalist
This weekend a scheduling hole will be blown in the oped columns of the Sunday Independent following the departure of long term polemicist Eoghan Harris. By now most readers will have heard of the saga. One of how a veteran...

Sinn Féin Abandons Northern Nationalists
You would be forgiven for thinking that nothing has happened in the North for the last week, given the myopic nature of the southern media’s coverage of issues in the North. It took the worst night of rioting the North...

The Burkean Year in Review: 2020 — The Year of Acceleration
With low level skirmishes between Gardaí and Nigerians over the death of a knife wielding black man, and the potential for genuine racial strife to arrive on our shores per the American model, the year 2020 comes to a thundering...

Hate Speech Laws in Ireland : How Screwed Are We?
Answer: Fairly, but hold off from purchasing those one way tickets to Budapest just yet. All of this is dependent on the State’s actual ability to prosecute recalcitrants en masse, with the actual legislation unlikely to come until late 2021...

Sinn Féin and Distributism — Aodh de Blácam 1921
One of the more forgotten names of the revolutionary period, Aodh de Blácam played a role in both the Gaelic Revival and War of Independence before proceeding to be heavily involved in early Fianna Fáil and Clann na Poblachta respectively....

House The Irish First? In Defence of a Responsible Nativism
Over the next two decades, the 26 counties are set to experience arguably the most drastic population explosion seen on this island in human history. Despite a nose-diving birth rate, legalised abortion, a generation locked out of family formation and...