Tag: Republicanism

Sinn Féin Abandons Northern Nationalists
You would be forgiven for thinking that nothing has happened in the North for the last week, given the myopic nature of the southern media’s coverage of issues in the North. It took the worst night of rioting the North...

The North : Between a Rock and a Hard Place
Republican activist Des Dalton recently drew both praise and ire from active Republicans for his statement regarding the continuing armed campaign by various groups. And while there has been some discussion on the topic of the justification (or lack thereof)...

One Nationalism
"There is no other Nationalism than the Nationalism therein implied, i.e. that the nation is more important than any part of the nation." Padraig Pearse January 1914 I cannot say this any more forcefully than this: there are not four...

Who is Lobbying the State on Hate Speech Legislation?
As of yet uncodified, it appears almost certain that a hate speech bill of some sort will limp its way to the Cabinet table circa Easter time this year. While the Department of Justice has forewarned that it will not...

What Sort of Nationalist Are You?
Nationalism has made somewhat of a resurgence in the past decade, which was arguably caused by the internet opening up the floodgates to unorthodox opinions—although some may argue it was just a natural backlash against multiculturalism. With a growing number...

How Pádraig Pearse Imagined Ireland in the Year 2006 (1906)
The following are extracts from a 1906 essay entitled ‘In my Garden’ from the August 4th edition of An Claidheamh Soluis. The full corpus of the magazine archive is freely available and dutifully digitised by means of the Conradh na...

Hate Speech Laws in Ireland : How Screwed Are We?
Answer: Fairly, but hold off from purchasing those one way tickets to Budapest just yet. All of this is dependent on the State’s actual ability to prosecute recalcitrants en masse, with the actual legislation unlikely to come until late 2021...

Rebuking Conservatism
Having read a very recent article (“In Defence of Conservatism”) in this publication, I find myself forced into rebuking it. Throughout the piece, the author recognises conservatism has no allure for the youth or those who would be socially conservative,...

Lesson for the Right from France
The recent wave of terrorist attacks in France has inflamed the controversy which surrounds the nation’s relationship with immigration. President Macron has launched a campaign against Jihadism, insisting that a new emphasis on the Republic’s Liberal values will restore national...

The Lough Sheelin Evictions and Emergence of Ribbonism: Dr. Thomas Nulty
An economic scholar in his own right Dr Thomas Nulty was a 19th century Bishop and academic noted for his contributions to economic school of Georgism, early on in his career however he served as a parish priest in the...