Tag: religion

Burke’s Right Minds: The End
This short essay marks the end of the Burke’s Right Minds series, in which many of Ireland’s top Conservative and Libertarian figures explained not just what it is they believe, but why it is that they believe what they believe....

Book Review: The Terror of Existence
Theodore Dalrymple is best known as a chronicler of British decline. A retired doctor and psychiatrist, he has written more books than most of us have had hot meals, but his most successful, Life At the Bottom and Our Culture,...

Burke’s Right Minds: Gary Kavanagh – Burkean Conservative
Burke’s Right Minds is a project exploring and promoting viewpoints within the conservative intellectual sphere, jointly run by The Burkean and the Edmund Burke Institute. Why I am a Burkean Conservative: What I believe is, at its core, simple -...

Burke’s Right Minds: John Waters – Progressive
Burke’s Right Minds is a project exploring and promoting viewpoints within the conservative intellectual sphere, jointly run by The Burkean and the Edmund Burke Institute. The sort of Progressive I am: It seems that if you do not agree to...

Burke’s Right Minds: David Quinn – Social Conservative
Burke’s Right Minds is a project exploring and promoting viewpoints within the conservative intellectual sphere, jointly run by The Burkean and the Edmund Burke Institute. A few years ago I was addressing an audience along with Michael McDowell. I described...

Love Éire, Keep Blasphemy, Vote No – But Not For Why You Think
Ireland is changing. Ireland is changing from what used to be a nation of small, rural communities into something akin to a satellite nation of the United States and the greater anglosphere, with all the trinkets and trappings of American...

Ireland: The Land of Sin and Cynicism
Last week, I had the pleasure of talking to presidential hopeful Kevin Sharkey about the problems this island faces now and in the future. Unfortunately, due to having to keep the article to a readable length, a whole range of...