Tag: religion

A Tale of Two Bishops: Eamonn Casey and Irish Modernism
Nothing encapsulates the regime change that occurred in the Irish hierarchy during the 20th century more than the transfer of the Galway bishopric from Michael Browne to Eamonn Casey in 1976. The parishioners of Galway had to say goodbye to...

Toward a Rightist Corpus – An Interview with Imperium Press
Introduction “Liberal elites are not stupid. We have a tendency to underestimate the enemy, but they do not run the show without reason. If they do not want you to read old books (and they do not), then they have...

The Plan to Revive Irish Mass Rocks
As the pandemic and oppressive government edicts challenge ecclesiastical services across Ireland, a new push is underway to revive the time-honoured tradition of the Irish Mass Rock. Spearheaded by the pastoral charity, Aid to the Church in Need Ireland, priests...

Finding God in the Silence-How Has Covid Changed Faith?
As fellow Catholics slowly start to be allowed to return to Mass in Ireland, it is important to take stock of where the faithful have found themselves over the past year, and where they will find themselves going forward. To...

Reflections on the Resurrection: An Easter Musing-Michael Sonne
I recently had a Zoom meeting with a Dominican priest who serves the parishioners of St Saviour’s in Dominick street. We touched upon the events leading up to Christ’s imprisonment, in which the proposed God of the universe commands his...

St Patrick’s Confessio
The following is a 2004 translation of our national saint’s autobiographical Confessions by Pádraig McCarthy — Beannachtaí Lá Fhéile Phádraig daoibh go léir! My name is Patrick. I am a sinner, a simple country person, and the least of all...

One Nationalism
"There is no other Nationalism than the Nationalism therein implied, i.e. that the nation is more important than any part of the nation." Padraig Pearse January 1914 I cannot say this any more forcefully than this: there are not four...

What Sort of Nationalist Are You?
Nationalism has made somewhat of a resurgence in the past decade, which was arguably caused by the internet opening up the floodgates to unorthodox opinions—although some may argue it was just a natural backlash against multiculturalism. With a growing number...

The Protestant Reformation was a Revolution of the Rich against the Poor
To the average person, when asked what the Protestant Reformation was all about, they will usually give some answer about how the Catholic Church just became too powerful, or how it caused the religious wars of the 17th century. Which...

We Need Worship: Catholic Youth Campaign Group Launched Against Mass Ban
As a statewide level 5 lockdown reaches into its fourth consecutive week and some priests face legal sanction for hosting Mass a Catholic Youth organisation has launched to lobby for an easing of restrictions on ecclesiastical events. Named ‘We Need...