Tag: politics
The Department of Justice’s Chinese Visa Scandal and Ireland’s Security Timebomb
While Department of Justice mandarins work on the double to embargo the names of companies and foreign bodies that benefited from a multimillion-euro visa scam that granted access to Ireland and by extension the UK and EU, questions must now...
Gombeenism: Can’t Bate It, Join It!
Gombeenism is a pervasive disease of the Irish political scene. We all know it. "I wouldn't be a fan of Fianna Fáil/Fine Gael but sure, yer man is sound, didn't he fix the roads!?". It seems like in Ireland, we...
Irish Local Elections: How to be “The Controlled Immigration Guy”
The following article first appeared on Substack and is syndicated with the permission of the author. The signs are everywhere. Green Party councillors holding parish hall meetings on sustainability, Labour photo ops promoting new African and Indian members are surfacing...
The Renaissance and Political Realism
“In them for the first time we detect the modern political spirit of Europe” – Jacob Burckhardt, ‘The Renaissance in Italy’ Via the Renaissance, allow me to concisely consider the birth-throngs of modernity: the ur-aesthetic-political-conceptual conceits and peculiarities its victims...
Review: Mary Lou McDonald: A Republican Riddle
Mary Lou McDonald’s claim that Shane Ross’ biography is a screed that she could have rubbished during her summer holidays is one of her many claims that do not stack up. Ross’ biography is a solid piece of work evidenced,...
TCDSU Votes to Commit itself to Activism at Student Expense
Yesterday evening, Trinity College Dublin Student Union (TCDSU) decided to undertake another two campaigns against national policy. At the second council of the year, the SU voted to support the undermining of the 27th amendment, which removed birthright citizenship from...
Siol na hÉireann: Jim Dowson’s Irish Chicanery?
Jim Dowson — The Man and the Controversy A stalwart of loyalist street activism since the 1990s, Jim Dowson is perhaps the last person on planet earth that should be associated with Irish nationalism. For those fortunate never to have...
Sir Roger Scruton: In Memory
How should one treat the death of a public intellectual? Sir Roger Scruton recently left this veil of tears having succumbed to the sword of Damocles which hung upon him for six months prior. A man not without his fair...
The Post-National Fianna Fáil Politician
As the perennial chancers of Irish politics, Fianna Fáil have undergone multiple regenerations since the foundation of the state. The positioning of Fianna Fáil at any one time is a thermometer reading to the contemporary condition of Irish life. From...
Nigerian Remittance and the Morons who cried Racism
There’s no two ways of putting it, Noel Grealish TD was, and is right. No matter how many times the conceited moral guardians of Ireland’s political circus tell you otherwise, this fact is undeniable. He’s not a racist (whatever that...