Tag: neoliberalism

“Sous les pavés, chomâge.” What I saw at a French riot.
https://twitter.com/TheBurkeanIE/status/1646524050989260800 Bottles and bricks fly through the air from one side of the boulevard and smash into a policeman’s riot shield. Here and there the crowd keeps its distance from the heat of small bonfires that have been made out...

Éire Nua: Gaelic Corporatism’s Lost Future?
The following first appeared on Substack and is syndicated with the permission of the author. With the impending reality of the next Irish government being formed by Sinn Féin, I felt that it would be instructive to analyse some of...

Flat Earth Thatcherism: Has Economic Liberalism Sunk the Irish State
When the late Margaret Thatcher told Woman's Own magazine that there is no such thing as society, she could just as well have been referring to present-day Ireland, where Thatcher would be considered quite progressive by her acolytes in Sinn...

Toward a National Economic System-Arthur Griffith
Extracts from a syndicated 1905 speech by Arthur Griffith on the subject of Friedrich List and the cultivation of the national economy in Ireland. This text and others has been dutifully resurrected by the recently launched nationalist archive An Cartlann....

Do We Live under Neoliberalism or Cultural Marxism?
There’s a small subsection of debate occurring about which term best describes the dominant ideology we live under, either neoliberalism or cultural Marxism. Both of these terms are used pejoratively to describe the current establishment, and almost nobody self-identifies as...

A Catholic and Traditional Conservative Critique of Neoliberalism
Recognizing the disastrous history of totalitarian regimes, R. Reagan and M. Thatcher minimized the government and promoted free market, thinking they would give more liberty to the individual and prevent the rise of totalitarianism. But evidently, they had 'forgotten' about...

The Weight of Banality
Facts don’t care about your feelings. The phrase, associated with the American right-wing commentator Ben Shapiro, has by now become something of a cliché among conservatives. It’s usually aimed at “snowflake” liberals who (as the theory goes) prioritise emotion over...

The Connolly Youth Movement is where the Left goes to die
“I have long been of opinion that the Socialist movement elsewhere was to a great extent hampered by the presence in its ranks of faddists and cranks, who were in the movement, not for the cause of Socialism, but because...

A Tale of Neoliberals and Leftists
We often hear the term Neoliberal being thrown about, sometimes as description, more often demeaning, but hardly ever used as a term of self-identification. Before we go further, it is important that we make a distinction here between ‘Leftists’ and...