Tag: Nationalism
Faith and Fatherland: An Interview with Gerry McGeough
The Burkean sat down recently with veteran republican activist Gerry McGeough. McGeough has been a long-time stalwart of nationalism, republicanism, and an advocate for the Faith and tradition. Gerry has written a number of books and was previously the editor...
Pearse’s Appeal To Irish America For Funding
From The Gaelic American, March 7, 1914. For the first time I appeal to the Irish-American public in the interests of the momentous work for Irish education that has been undertaken at St. Enda’s College. St. Enda’s was founded by me...
The Currents of Irishness
When considering the discourse regarding reconciliation among the peoples of these islands, a substantive Gaelic perspective must appraise this matter without automatically assuming that this is based on undue deference to Ulster Unionists. While such deference does exist, there is...
Ideas of Good and Evil: Ireland and the Arts
Equal parts poet and mystic, W.B. Yeats left a lasting mark on Irish politics, culture and identity. Below is an excerpt from his work Ideas of Good and Evil, originally published in the United Irishman in 1903. The arts have failed;...
Fracas at the Border — Will Belarus Crisis Down the EU?
There are few things as disappointing as two relatively nationalist administrations coming to blows. Yet that is what is happening on the Polish-Belarussian border. Following an attempt at astro-turfing a revolution similar to what toppled the Yanukovych regime in Ukraine,...
With Every Ardfheis, More Republicans Leave Sinn Féin
As the dust settles on the 2021 Sinn Féin Ardfheis, the Free State’s assimilation of the Provisional Movement is complete: Sinn Féin has trod the ways of Fianna Fáil evolving from a revolutionary militant party to a “slightly constitutional” party...
Self Reliance — Thomas Davis
The following is a poem penned by Irish nationalist Thomas Davis, diligently brought back to life through the devoted team at An Cartlann. I. Though savage force and subtle schemes, And alien rule, through ages lasting, Have swept your land...
Which Irish Groups Made it Onto Facebook Danger List?
A month of outages and embarrassing revelations was made slightly worse for Facebook last week thanks to work done by The Intercept, airing internal documents outlining its deplatforming protocols when dealing with extremists. An anti-war publication made famous for their...
Poland Court Ruling Shows EU Going Beyond Its Legal Authority
Poland’s Constitutional Court ruling that European law does not always hold supremacy over national law is not what the fear-mongering commentariat deem it to be. When Poland brought about an attempt to reform its Communist-era judicial system, the European Courts...
James Fintan Lalor: Irish Proto-Populist?
“…We find principles of action and of society which have within them not only the best plan of campaign suited for the needs of a country seeking its freedom through insurrection against a dominant nation, but also held the seeds...