Tag: Migration

Europol Breaks Up Georgian Run Human Trafficking Network to Ireland
A continental-wide policing effort to clamp down on the efforts of Georgian people smugglers paid dividends the past month, with the arrests of 17 individuals in Spain and France. Procuring and supplying fake EU travel documents, as well as labour...

Aramark Controversy Misses Point on Asylum
Progressive minded tea drinkers have been taking aim at the National Gallery all month for the latter's freshly signed contract with the catering conglomerate Aramark. Getting itself into liberal Ireland’s bad books for taking business to do with the much...

Musgraves Leads Charges on Lobbying for non-EEA Migration
The diminishing ability of Eastern European labour pools to placate the needs of a post-covid Irish economy is being demonstrated with the increasing lobbying of major employers for non-EEA migration. As reported in the weekend edition of the Sunday Independent...

Fracas at the Border — Will Belarus Crisis Down the EU?
There are few things as disappointing as two relatively nationalist administrations coming to blows. Yet that is what is happening on the Polish-Belarussian border. Following an attempt at astro-turfing a revolution similar to what toppled the Yanukovych regime in Ukraine,...

Ireland’s Demographic Peril: A Report from Hungary’s Demographics and the Family Conference
Until recently, known throughout the world for their faith, fecundity and large families, the Irish people now have a falling birth rate which stands below simple replacement level. Consciously deciding to have a child is not just an expression of...

“Our Misery and Despair”-Denis Kearney’s Plea for Nativism 1878
A Cork born Californian trade unionist, Denis Kearney's historical existence posits some degree of awkwardness for those using the Irish Famine as a legitimising device for contemporary mass immigration. Fleeing poverty at home Kearney made a name for himself for...

Fourteen Fold Increase In Asylum Free Legal Aid Fees Since 2015
Under freedom of information, The Burkean can reveal a marked fourteen-fold increase in free legal aid costs billed to the taxpayer since 2015. From figures obtained from the Legal Aid Board, the body charged with handling free legal aid for...

Who is Making Money from Asylum Appeals?
A long festering problem in the Irish asylum industry has been the issue of repeated and mostly cynical appeals by bogus applicants. With rejection rates averaging 75% prior to covid, and outright fraudulent applications from safe nations like Albania and...

Statistics Warn of Ireland’s Looming Demographic Cliff
Ireland’s birth rate continues its free-fall decline as the country embraces social liberalism and abortion-on-demand. In 2020 there were just under 56,000 babies born in Ireland. To put the scale of Ireland’s abortion industry into context, in 2019 there were...

Who is Paying Legal Fees of a Convicted Jihadist in Ireland?
In February, this publication reported on the legal precedent set at the Supreme Court whereby the Algerian-born jihadist Ali Charaf Damache managed to successfully challenge the manner by which the Irish State revokes citizenship, thus blowing a considerable hole in...