Tag: Media

The Journal.ie Could Be the Next Big Loser in Facebook’s DEI Purge
Since its 2010 debut, The Journal.ie—owned by the advertising moguls the Fallon Brother—has blurred the lines successfully between tabloid and broadsheet journalism in Ireland. While not as cash-strapped as its clickbait-heavy rival Joe.ie, The Journal has faced criticism within our...

RTÉ on the Ropes? Time for a TV Licence Boycott
Blood is on the floor in Donnybrook after bombshell revelations about €345,000 worth of below the counter payments to Ryan Tubirdy forced the resignation of RTÉ’s head Dee Forbes in a shock punch to the jugular to the nation’s cosy...

Ireland’s Greatest Moments: An Alternative to the Newstalk Dribble
As Ireland’s Decade of Centenaries (2012 – 2022) comes to an end, the enlightened Newstalk team have drafted a list of Ireland’s “greatest moments” throughout the past 100 years. The following 20 bullet points have undoubtedly been deliberated upon for...

Right Wing Extremism in Ireland aka The State Wants Us to Do Something Stupid
The canon of Irish nationalism is replete with energised vanguards doing injury against an occupational and malign state. From Eoghan Ruadh Ó Néill to the Provisional movement, the pike has won the day over non-violent and certainly unromantic democratic methods...

The SPLC’s Irish Debut
Another weekend and another acronym as the Sunday Independent played host to yet another counter extremism think tank and their reportage on the dreaded yet still unformed ‘Irish far right’. The adroitly named Global Project Against Hate and Extremism (GPAHE)...

A Marginal Understanding : Why Left Republican Analysis of the Irish Right Flops
When reading about the emergence of the ‘far-right’ in Irish political journalism and opinion pieces, one is left feeling like they’re in the film Groundhog Day. Generally, a quick once over a few Wikipedia pages serves as the research basis...

Soros’s Irish Snitch Line: INAR Goes on PR Spending Spree
Irish billboards and airwaves have been used yet again to flaunt the extravagant wealth of the nation’s NGO class with a new media campaign by the Soros darlings of INAR Ireland. An affiliate member of the Open Society backed ENAR...

Is Putin in the ‘Ra? Media Pushes NATO Scare Stories on North
A new front in the Ukrainian war looks set to be opened up shortly, not in Kiev or Kharkov, but on the streets of Derry and Belfast, at least according to the British press in Ireland. Syndicated throughout the week,...

Is the State Buying Radio Coverage with Pandemic Subsidies?
No matter where you turn the dial it's been hard to escape covidmania on Irish airwaves. From looping reminders to get vaccinated to blanket news coverage on a pandemic approaching its second anniversary. We’ve been stuck in a Wuhan state...

The Late Stage Toy Show
Long being a staple of contemporary Irish culture, last night we were once again faced with the event that most closely resembles a national religious rite on a parasocial level. With close to all readers being undoubtedly raised watching the...