Tag: left

Last night on RTE's Up Front with Katie Hannon, an audience member posed a question about the upcoming marriage referendum. Viewers recognised him from a previous episode of the show. In an unsurprising twist, he has been revealed to be...

Solidarity Sabotaged? Infighting Cripples Left Response to Posie Parker in Dublin
It would have been hard to avoid the sense that some degree of change is on the cards Sunday, as Dublin's fair city played host to two well-attended Right-leaning events against a glaringly lacklustre response from the Left. On Merrion...

Wake Up and Smell the Kerosene: Battle of Pearse Street Just the Start
"A glory to Dublin, to her we renown, In the long generations her fame will go down, And the children will tell how their forefathers saw, The red blaze of freedom on Erin Go Bragh"-Peadar Kearney The Irish state’s response...

Grooming Accusations Levelled at Soc Dem Councillor Owen Hanley
Earlier today, videos were posted to Twitter in which a teenage man accuses Social Democrats councillor for Galway City East, Owen Hanley, of sexually grooming him on social media when he was underage. Hanley has been accused by this teenager...

Cost of Living Protests: The Left Plays the Populist Game
Two years of the Irish Left hiding behind NPHET’s skirt came to an end this weekend as Dublin saw mass mobilisation for a march against the Cost of Living Crisis. Headlined by Taoiseach in waiting Mary Lou MacDonald and the...

Kicking Paul Murphy Up the Arse: Don’t Let the Left Neuter the Irish Winter of Discontent
As Western Europe flexes itself for a winter of protests against extortionate energy bills, the science and mechanics of protests both warrant examination to gauge the abyss that lies ahead. One of the more satisfying protests I recently attended was...

People Before Profit: NATO’s Fifth Column in Ireland?
People Before Profit (PBP), Ireland's left-wing establishment joke party, is one of the many casualties of the Ukrainian conflict. Their problem is their circus acts of shedding crocodile tears for refugees and other victims of war have, in the hot...

The Anti-Lockdown Movement: More than Individualism?
The anti-lockdown movement’s individualist rhetoric has led many among the nascent, dissident-right to become somewhat disenfranchised with the movement. Those in these circles often charge the prolificity of individualism for many of society’s downfalls. The anti-lockdown movement’s appearance as an...

Arthur Griffith and the National System of Political Economy
“Brushing aside the fallacies of Adam Smith and his tribe, List points out that between the individual and humanity stands, and must continue to stand, a great fact – the nation.” – Arthur Griffith, ‘The Resurrection of Hungary’ International Ideology...

Graham Linehan and the End of Irish Public Life
The New Anti-Culture Wars: For the past 50 years liberal Ireland has styled itself as a counter-cultural force fighting against the tide of a conservative establishment in the form of Church and State. While questionable, this at least provided a...