Tag: Ireland

Bloody Sunday: Why Mere Civil Rights Were Never Enough

“I yearn for hammerblows on clinkered planks, the uncompromised report of driven thole-pins, to know there is one among us who never swerved from all his instincts told him was right action, who stood his ground in the indicative, whose...

/ 30/01/2022

Lights Out For Cathal Brugha Barracks?

If the Russians weren't going to polish off the Defence Forces, certainly our own state may do so with confirmation that Cathal Brugha Barracks has been earmarked for a feasibility study on converting it into social and affordable housing. Home...

/ 29/01/2022

The State of Ireland’s Military: Pay, Conditions & Capabilities

This article will discuss the decline of the Irish military over the last number of years which are either due to a lacklustre attitude from the military hierarchy to drive home the issue of funding. Though the larger culprits reside...

/ 23/01/2022

Don’t Let Government Memory-Hole the Pandemic

And just like that, NPHET clicks its fingers and the pandemic is over.  The curfew is ended, limits on capacity are lifted, and the use for Covid certs domestically is withdrawn - the demands of the ‘far right anti vaxxers...

/ 22/01/2022

Xenophilia – How Conservatives & Nationalists View the Other

Conservatives and nationalists are regularly accused of being xenophobic. In this simple article, I want to make the case that the opposite is true– that conservatives and nationalists are deeply xenophilic. Far from hating the things that are strange and...

/ 21/01/2022

Selective Reporting and the Responsibility of the Press

It comes as no surprise that Jozef Puska has finally been named as the individual charged with the murder of Ashling Murphy — certainly not to us as the supposed purveyors of disinformation, and certainly not to regime-approved journalists who...

/ 20/01/2022

Fenians in the Transvaal: The Forgotten Irish of the Boer War

They were both people to whom the spirit of nationality had found strong manifestation, who had stood out even to the death against attempts to break their national independence. .. . They had both been through the fire of war...

/ 18/01/2022

Collusion Report Underlines Why The North was Never a Normal State

A policing report this week on collusion between the RUC and loyalist paramilitaries lifts the lid on the cynical tactics deployed by the British state in the later stages of the Troubles. A reminder if any was needed why ‘Northern...

/ 16/01/2022

Globalism and the Irish Student

As some students are having to live in hotels, use food banks, and work during class time in order to pay for the classes which they then cannot attend, it is worth considering whether another concept of a student is...

/ 06/01/2022

Boston Mayoral Election: Has Diversity Broken the Back of Irish America?

A glass ceiling was left shattered on the other side of the Atlantic this week with the triumph of Michelle Wu in the Boston Mayoral Election. A second generation Taiwanese American, Wu, who sits pretty on the progressive wing of...

/ 05/11/2021