INAR’s Islamist Links? Muslim Brotherhood Linked NGO Helps Lobby For Irish Hate Speech Laws
The droning voice of Shane O'Curry is a regular in almost any media discussion on hate crime or the far right in Ireland as his anti-racist NGO INAR (Irish Network Against Racism) plays a kingmaker role in both hate speech...

Soros’s Irish Snitch Line: INAR Goes on PR Spending Spree
Irish billboards and airwaves have been used yet again to flaunt the extravagant wealth of the nation’s NGO class with a new media campaign by the Soros darlings of INAR Ireland. An affiliate member of the Open Society backed ENAR...

Soros at the Oireachtas: INAR Lobbies to Fastrack Hate Speech Legislation
A Thursday morning Oireachtas press conference and media photo op encapsulated just the latest attempts to enshrine British-style hate crime and hate speech legislation on the Irish statute books, as INAR Ireland led the way on enhancing Garda powers. In...

INAR’s New Vacancies: How Much Are Activists Being Paid to Replicate BLM Tactics in Ireland?
It would appear that despite the recent downturn, the nation’s NGO complex looks set to expand at pace with the announcement by the Irish Network Against Racism (INAR) of notice to fill two positions, both involved in community activism. With...

Guess Who’s On the State’s New Diversity Quango?
As part of an ongoing push to solidify the diversity agenda at a state level, the Department of Justice announced the formation of a 16-strong committee to dictate the government’s attitude on dealing with racism into the next decade. The...

Newstalk Partners with Soros NGO to Combat Populism
As the American presidential election rolls around and the potential for post-Covid electoral destabilisation emerges, the powers that be have commenced a new round of measures to clamp down on dissident voices. Zoning in on the tech platforms, the clampdown...

Irish Antifa Project: Dr Lucy Michael
This is the latest part of an undercover investigation into the tacit and sometimes overt support for antifascist harassment among elements of the Irish media and political class. We advise you to listen to all leaked audio and read all...