Tag: Identity Politics

Green Party Not Welcome? Division Between the Centre and Far-Left Following Pro-Migration Rally
Centre Left vs Far Left Divide at the Pro-Migration RallyIt appears there is trouble in paradise as Ireland’s pro-migration front has been showing deep divides since the even day before the Saturday March by Le Chéile took place. The night...

To be a Conservative is to be Unthinking
This might come to a surprise seeing a title like this published in a journal like The Burkean, but it’ll make sense if I elaborate on it more. I’ve never been at ease with the word, and I feel like...

Ireland’s Existential Crisis: Culture and Identity in an age of Globalism
On a mild September morning, a demolition crew sets to work on their new project, a dilapidated suburban house in South Dublin. Before long, the structure is a heap of rubble, which will soon be cleared to make way for...

JK Rowling, and Why Fiction is Dying
‘You reap what you sow’. After spending years feeding the progressive beast, JK Rowling has finally learned the meaning of this proverb. How? Just like with any social media mob, it started when Rowling was caught espousing views that are...

The Overton Hourglass
June, 2003: shortly after take-off, an ultralight aircraft crashes near Caro, Michigan. The pilot is a newlywed man in his early forties. He dies in the wreckage. His name was Joseph Overton. In the world of politics, however, Joseph Overton...

Why I Left the Left
Even as I start to write this article, I feel that the title of it is slightly misleading. To paraphrase Ronald Reagan, who when asked why he left the Democratic Party to become a Republican, replied “I didn’t leave the...

The Classical Liberalism Debate and a Conversation with Sargon
Listening to the conversation between author Angela Nagle and online commentator Carl Benjamin last Wednesday, one couldn’t help but be struck by just how depressing the tone of it was. The two often disagreed passionately during the event, hosted by...

Conservatism and the LGBT Movement
Paddy Manning, Douglas Murray, Milo Yiannopoulos and Peter Thiel. I wish everyone knew by now that being LGBT and Conservative, like the writer of this article, is possible. Must I name icons such as Douglas Murray, Milo Yiannopoulos, and Blaire...