Tag: Gender

A Catholic Education Scattered To The Four Winds
In light of the recent “Catholic Schools Week”, it bears saying that it is an open secret that the vast majority of schools in Ireland, which purport to be Catholic, are merely Catholic in name only. They keep up the...

The New Gender Recognition and Education Bills are Ideology Not Policy
Recently, RTE’s Prime Time saw the programme tackle gender identity; an increasingly contentious issue in Irish society. Despite offering various perspectives, the show was attacked by transgender activists, who started the hashtag ‘TurnOffPrimeTime.’ Such hashtags should be viewed as an...

Enviroment, Ignorance, and Gender Imbalances
This article concerns a lecture given in Trinity by former President Mary Robinson on the topic of climate change, and the political observations from analysing it and its attendees. I wasn’t exactly planning on going to any talks this week....

The MacGill Controversy: A Storm in a Bubble
In the midst of the biggest housing crisis in the history of the state, the longest ever hospital waiting lists, and the potential outcomes for Ireland in the ongoing Brexit negotiations, you might think that an obscure political summer school...

The Pence Rule
On February 6th, Cheryl Sandberg, COO of Facebook, authored a post discussing the ‘Mike Pence Rule.’ The Pence rule is Vice President Mike Pence’s refusal to eat alone with a woman other than his wife, and his refusal to attend...