Tag: Galway

Grooming Accusations Levelled at Soc Dem Councillor Owen Hanley
Earlier today, videos were posted to Twitter in which a teenage man accuses Social Democrats councillor for Galway City East, Owen Hanley, of sexually grooming him on social media when he was underage. Hanley has been accused by this teenager...

Students Mobilise Against NUIGSU Deplatforming Proposals
A small mercy existent hitherto on Irish campuses has been the dearth of hate speech regulations. While your garden variety anarcho-communist or trot SU official could foam at the mouth at the activities or even existence of a publication like...

Irish Antifa Project: Jessica Reid – Galway Anti Racism Network
This is the latest part of an undercover investigation into the tacit and sometimes overt support for antifascist harassment among elements of the Irish media and political class. We advise you to listen to all leaked audio and read all...

Irish Antifa Project: NUIGSU Vice President/Welfare & Equality Officer Roisin Nic Lochlainn
This is the latest part of an undercover investigation into the tacit and sometimes overt support for antifascist harassment among elements of the Irish media and political class. We advise you to listen to all leaked audio and read all...