Tag: Free Speech

Ireland’s New Electoral Commission and its powers: Another victory for the government in their war against Free Speech
In what might seem (to the untrained eye) to be another humdrum quango involved in the tedious business of organising elections lie many grave threats to Ireland’s struggling democracy. Ireland’s new Electoral Commission, founded in April of this year, will...

Hate Speech Advocates Trounced at Freedom of Speech Debate in UCD
At University College Dublin, a recent event was held in which several guest speakers were invited to speak at the college to discuss the topic of freedom of speech. Avowedly supporting the incoming hate speech legislation at this event were...

McEntee’s Hate Speech Bill: What to Expect and How to Fight It
Tastefully included in the 2020 Programme for Government and subject to a year-long 'consultation process' with various interest groups, the public now has a firm grasp of expected hate speech legislation expected within the next 3 months. In a media-parroted...

An Alternative Hate Speech Submission
The following was submitted two years ago as part of the Department of Justice's consultation process on the implementation of hate speech laws and is syndicated with the permission of the author. I would like to make a submission to...

Baseless ‘Far-Right’ Witch-hunt Reaches Official Ireland
While the NGO-Media complex has been stirring up bogus claims about the so-called ‘far-right’ in Ireland for years now, the last few days have seen the infection spread to oversight bodies within Official Ireland. Yesterday, the Standards In Public Office...

‘Trusted Flagger’ Kinzen No Longer Working With Dept. of Health After HSE Exposé
It has been confirmed that Kinzen, a company specialising in monitoring ‘disinformation campaigns’ and ‘dangerous content’, is no longer working with the Department of Health, after an exposé into the HSE’s flagging of covid-related content was published by Gript. The...

In Defence of my Gym-bros: An Open Letter To Ryan Tubridy
Tubbers, a chara I am writing to you regarding your recent run-ins with young men of my generation. I understand that their inherent swagger, rugged charm and overall chad-like demeanor has left you somewhat disturbed, and with many questions. My...

Inside the Garda Hate Speech Unit
A freedom of information request was recently answered An Garda Síochána’s National Diversity and Integration Unit (GNDIU), the unit tasked with the implementation of hate speech laws in Ireland. The request sought to understand the financial upkeep, organisational role, and...

Who is Lobbying the State on Hate Speech Legislation?
As of yet uncodified, it appears almost certain that a hate speech bill of some sort will limp its way to the Cabinet table circa Easter time this year. While the Department of Justice has forewarned that it will not...

ROXANNE: Ireland’s New Anti-Hate Speech Surveillance Technology
Marketed as a multiplatform analytical tool to evaluate speech and facial patterns in order to create visual mapping for authorities and identity suspects, ROXANNE is a new breed of surveillance technology in the process of development and currently being backed...