Tag: Fine Gael

Simon’s Game Plan is Beyond Cynical: Make it Stop!
Simon Harris looks and acts like a man with a plan. It is not a nice plan. In fact, it is a deeply cynical plan. But the signs are that Harris’s plan is working, at least for now, and at...

The Burkean’s Political Parties – The National Party
The greatest folly of an Irish conservative is thinking that society is always on his side; many conservatives still believe that they are defenders of the status quo against the excesses of liberalism. May 25th shattered this. Regardless of how...

The Burkean’s Political Parties – Irexit Freedom Party
On September 8th, over 400 people attended our conference and AGM in Dublin. Those in attendance were both young and old, liberal and conservative, left and right leaning in their political ideology. Indeed many had no identifiable political ideology at...

The Burkean’s Political Parties – Renua
Renua Ireland is a modern, open, collaborative political party designed to engage the nation in a new political and social conversation. The party’s six pillars reflect our core beliefs and priorities. We seek to have these pillars reflected across our...

The Burkean’s Political Parties – Young Fine Gael
This autumn, students all over Ireland will be starting or returning to life on their college campuses, and those of a political mindset might consider joining one of the various political parties on campus. The below is my effort as...

Why Career Landlords and Fine Gael Love #TakeBackTheCity
‘TakeBackTheCity’ almost looks like controlled opposition. It is a group that pretends to be trying to challenge the likes of large property developers, but is instead cementing their positions, both in Dublin and Ireland as a whole. In fact there...

Welcome to the Metrostate
Just over one hundred years ago, Patrick Pearse famously stepped out of Dublin’s GPO to read the Proclamation to a somewhat bemused Dublin populace. Pearse’s reading of the Proclamation is generally viewed as the founding act of a new independent...

The Death of a Republic I : The Death of a Democracy
To whom it may concern; I hereby regret to inform you that after a long battle with various afflictions, the Irish Republic (née Saorstát Éireann) passed away during the year 2018. She went relatively peacefully in her sleep, the last...