Tag: Fascism

The Mass Psychology of Fapism
In 1933 Wilhelm Reich published his work ‘The Mass Pyschology of Fascism’ wherein he attempted to uncover why Germany chose Fascism over Communism, as both movements were competing for control of Germany after the collapse of the degenerate Weimar Republic....

Students Mobilise Against NUIGSU Deplatforming Proposals
A small mercy existent hitherto on Irish campuses has been the dearth of hate speech regulations. While your garden variety anarcho-communist or trot SU official could foam at the mouth at the activities or even existence of a publication like...

One Nationalism
"There is no other Nationalism than the Nationalism therein implied, i.e. that the nation is more important than any part of the nation." Padraig Pearse January 1914 I cannot say this any more forcefully than this: there are not four...

40 Years Of Laibach – An Interview
This Interview was originally published by the blog “Excuse The Blood” and is syndicated with permission of the author. Since their inception in 1980 Laibach have consistently surprised, enthralled, confused, even offended audiences with their music and art. Their take...

The USI Chooses Oblivion
The Burkean looks with considerable dismay at the recent Annual Congress of the Union of Students of Ireland. While supposedly open to all, it's a cliquey process, largely occurring without the notice of the student population of Ireland, despite being...

Irish Antifa Project: Jacob Woolf
This is the fourth part of an undercover investigation into the tacit and sometimes overt support for antifascist harassment among elements of the Irish media and political class. We advise you to listen to all leaked audio and read all...

Denials and Misinformation on the Horror of the Gulags
Not too long ago, London’s Goldsmith LGBTQ+ Society described life in the Gulag system as “a rehabilitory one and self supporting, a far cry from the Western, capitalist notion of prison,” adding that “The Soviets did away with life sentences...