Tag: Economics

Flat Earth Thatcherism: Has Economic Liberalism Sunk the Irish State
When the late Margaret Thatcher told Woman's Own magazine that there is no such thing as society, she could just as well have been referring to present-day Ireland, where Thatcher would be considered quite progressive by her acolytes in Sinn...

Ireland’s Retrofitting Debacle: Are Green Politics Just a Mask for Corporate Takeover?
Though I'll tell my great grandchildren that it was the luck of the Irish that saved my hide from the Great Covid Pandemic, the more numerate amongst them would point out that, by the Irish regime's own estimates, 5,019,908 of...

Musgraves Leads Charges on Lobbying for non-EEA Migration
The diminishing ability of Eastern European labour pools to placate the needs of a post-covid Irish economy is being demonstrated with the increasing lobbying of major employers for non-EEA migration. As reported in the weekend edition of the Sunday Independent...

Housing and Ireland’s Secret Power Struggles
In my rambles around Dublin Bay North, that salient bordered by the Malahide Road, the sea and the coast road back to Fairview, I have come across two homes, one opposite Sutton Marina and one on the Baldoyle Road, both...

Reforming Ireland’s Toxic Markets
If Davy's recommendations are your weather vane on Irish stocks, then plump for AIB, Bank of Ireland, CRH, Flutter Entertainment, Glenveagh, Greencoat Renewables, Hibernia REIT, Irish Res PR PRC, Ryanair and/or Uniphar. Let's quickly dismiss most of these and move...

Euro Snap Shot: How Corporations Abuse Irish Residency
The Euro Stoxx 50 index gives us a snapshot of how EU denominated stocks are performing. As they also indicate where institutional investors with Euro denominated liabilities should hold their offsetting assets, they play pivotal roles in the management of...

Intel Dumps €80 Billion Irish Investment Over Energy Concerns
Under normal circumstances the state’s industrial planners ought to be seeing red over the weekend scoop by the Business Post revealing the shelving of plans to move the production of microchips to Ireland by Intel. Originally in contention with Poland...

What is Our Socialism? The Economic Syncretism of the Provisional Movement 1970
The following is a 1970 statement issued by the Caretaker Executive of Sinn Féin, clarifying the ideological nuances and reasoning behind the republican movement’s recent schism as well as outlining the Provisional’s syncretic brand of national liberation and socialism and...

Is National Protectionism Ireland’s Economic Future?
Following a detailed discussion between Dr. Matt Treacy and Peter Ryan on the nationalist economics of the revolutionary movement in the twentieth century my mind naturally wandered to the system which we should espouse as Nationalists ourselves - as a...

Toward a National Economic System-Arthur Griffith
Extracts from a syndicated 1905 speech by Arthur Griffith on the subject of Friedrich List and the cultivation of the national economy in Ireland. This text and others has been dutifully resurrected by the recently launched nationalist archive An Cartlann....