Tag: Economics

The legacy of Berkeley’s Querist in Irish Protectionist thought (Part 2)
This second article on Berkeley's protectionism is to highlight his influence on the country's contribution to economic writing. This is a syndicated piece with permission from the writer Aistí Ó Chraobh, following the previous article on the subject. ‘Mr. de...

The Querist: George Berkeley’s National Economic System
The following first appeared on the Substack ‘Creeve Rua’ and is syndicated with the permission of the author. While the trite cultural spat over George Berkeley’s colonial legacy interests me little, I’m glad the Bishop has been thrust into the limelight again,...

A Fiscal Policy for the Irish Right? The Abolition of the USC & Reformation of Government Spending
The lot of right-wing populism in Ireland is primarily focused on the changing social fabric of the nation. As the government repeatedly and consistently alienates voters with its high tax, high migration, high rent society, political traffic will drift towards...

‘Ye Wife Swapping Sodomites!’ E Michael Jones’ and ‘Degenerate Moderns’
"Hither flock all the crowd whom love has wrecked Of intellectuals without intellect And sexless folk whose sexes intersect...." - Roy Campbell, 'The Georgiads' Introduction “G’way, ye wife swapping sodomites.” - Úna Bean Mhic Mhathúna The mere mention of Dr....

David McWilliams is Wrong About Immigration. A Critical Response.
Introduction Last Sunday, David McWilliams published a piece in the Irish Times, wheeling out the familiar argument that immigrants are an unambiguous economic blessing to the host country. The piece is nothing original, those familiar with the politics of immigration...

Quinn Country: The Wrath Of A Slighted Chieftain?
The documentary introduces itself with an image of a forgotten wasteland, the border region. A land of old laws and old customs. A land with no regard for metropolitan laws or liberal opinion. Abandoned by both governments, North and South....

Éire Nua: Gaelic Corporatism’s Lost Future?
The following first appeared on Substack and is syndicated with the permission of the author. With the impending reality of the next Irish government being formed by Sinn Féin, I felt that it would be instructive to analyse some of...

Cost of Living Protests: The Left Plays the Populist Game
Two years of the Irish Left hiding behind NPHET’s skirt came to an end this weekend as Dublin saw mass mobilisation for a march against the Cost of Living Crisis. Headlined by Taoiseach in waiting Mary Lou MacDonald and the...

Review: Justin Barrett’s ‘The Nationalist Reset’
"When it ceased to be the means for fair transactions and became the determinant of transactions, it caught hold of the whole world, and enthralled it to arbitrary power. It was a brilliant confidence trick, the more so because people...

Who Was the True Prophet of Revolution in the Twentieth Century, Marx or List?
The following is a partial extract from the preface of ‘The National System of Political Economy’ just released by Imperium Press and syndicated with their permission. “The nationality of the worker is neither French, nor English, nor German, it is...