Tag: Deplatforming

Little Cashes In: Kinzen Sold to Spotify
Cha-ching! It's been a red letter week for the anti-misinformation outlet Kinzen with the company’s sale to the multimedia giant Spotify for an undisclosed sum. Inaugurated with as much media ballyhoo and brown nosing as could be expected by RTÉ...

Can Telegram Be Trusted?
Probably every zoomer reading this article had their mother or grandmother voice their comments regarding the amount of disappointment he has brought onto their family. Unfortunately, their old minds are too ignorant to comprehend the concept of a sigma male,...

Students Mobilise Against NUIGSU Deplatforming Proposals
A small mercy existent hitherto on Irish campuses has been the dearth of hate speech regulations. While your garden variety anarcho-communist or trot SU official could foam at the mouth at the activities or even existence of a publication like...

The USI Chooses Oblivion
The Burkean looks with considerable dismay at the recent Annual Congress of the Union of Students of Ireland. While supposedly open to all, it's a cliquey process, largely occurring without the notice of the student population of Ireland, despite being...