Tag: covid

Irish Covid Satire? Review ‘Busting Anti-Vax Myths: Seriously EXPERT Arguments for the Covid-Deniers in Your Life’
If you have a weakened heart or nervous tremors brought on from a Covid vaccine you might have taken recently, then this book is not for you: you’ll laugh so much you could easily find yourself being put out of...

Ireland’s Retrofitting Debacle: Are Green Politics Just a Mask for Corporate Takeover?
Though I'll tell my great grandchildren that it was the luck of the Irish that saved my hide from the Great Covid Pandemic, the more numerate amongst them would point out that, by the Irish regime's own estimates, 5,019,908 of...

Is the State Buying Radio Coverage with Pandemic Subsidies?
No matter where you turn the dial it's been hard to escape covidmania on Irish airwaves. From looping reminders to get vaccinated to blanket news coverage on a pandemic approaching its second anniversary. We’ve been stuck in a Wuhan state...

Margaret Buttimer: Remembering Clownworld’s Irish Prisoner This Christmas
As turkeys are carved and selection boxes pilfered throughout the nation, one Bandon home will be without a key member of their household this Christmas. A grotesque reminder of just how far off the rails the country has erred in...

Egoists, Paranoiacs and Fascists: A Response to Fintan O’Toole
Many readers of this publication are sure to have read Fintan O’Toole’s latest piece in The Irish Times which attempted to neatly categorise disparate vaccine sceptic social groups "in order of purposeful malignity". According to O’Toole there are three distinct...

How Have Roma Gypsies Colonised North Inner City Dublin?
Visitors returning to the inner city in the post-pandemic period have been struck by the rather unsightly spectacle of throngs of Roma gypsy families dominating the Talbot Street and North O'Connell Street area. That patch of Dublin has been no...

The Slipped Mask: Have Irish Elites Shown Real Face With Covid?
I almost managed to convince myself not to write a piece about Covid and the ensuing pandemic. Alas, I have been compelled to. For it seems that in being forced to wear a mask, we have seen the masks of...

The Untenability of Statism and Individualism in an Age of Lockdown
“Under democratic ideology runs the current of fascism which overflows at the surface. But beneath that runs a countercurrent. Beware lest that countercurrent overflow! Beware lest you bestow upon it power by trying to close it off completely!” – Vilfredo...

What Explains Covid Youth Shaming in Ireland?
There was much crying and gnashing of teeth from politicians and government officials Saturday over mass outdoor gatherings of mostly young people in Dublin and Cork. After over a year’s worth of lockdowns, the drink-filled gatherings were lambasted by a...

Statistics Warn of Ireland’s Looming Demographic Cliff
Ireland’s birth rate continues its free-fall decline as the country embraces social liberalism and abortion-on-demand. In 2020 there were just under 56,000 babies born in Ireland. To put the scale of Ireland’s abortion industry into context, in 2019 there were...