Tag: Conservatism

Ireland: A Manifesto for Anti-Immigration Activism

When a few hundred thousand Greeks confronted the Persian world-system with a radical rejection of all it stood for, and refused to be absorbed, it seemed to all the Persians and to some intelligent Greeks mere pigheaded nationalism. But it...

/ 05/05/2019

The Catholic Right Needs to Unify in Order to Survive

Political commentators often espouse the view that the ‘Catholic Right’ in modern ireland is a coherent bloc with political heft. A bloc with influence enough left over to bring about much of what it seeks in policy. This is a...

/ 02/04/2019

Irish Conservatives and Nationalists Need a Mythos

There is much that can be said about Peter Hitchen's 2010 book, The Rage Against God, that is relevant to modern Ireland. Though the author delivers a critique of secularism from the platform of his Anglican faith, the trends that...

/ 04/02/2019

Edmund Burke and the Irish Canon

“Berkeley proved that the world was a vision, and Burke that the State was a tree, no mechanism to be pulled in pieces and put up again, but an oak tree that had grown through centuries” -W.B. Yeats Burke and the 20th Century: The Irish 20th century left many casualties in its wake. As the century drew to...

/ 12/01/2019

The Shadow of the Gunman and the Demise of Fianna Fáil

Whether it was Varadkar’s exchanges with Doherty in the Dáil or reading McCullough’s biography on De Valera, I decided to revisit my decision to leave Fianna Fáil some months ago. Having been a member of the party for several years,...

/ 06/01/2019

Why The Youth Turns Left

“A conservative at twenty has no heart, a socialist at thirty has no brain” – I am sure we have all heard variants of such a phrase before, but the question that has always interested me is why such a...

/ 04/01/2019

The Making of the ‘New Ireland’

“Ireland had clung to her youth, indeed to her childhood, longer and more tenaciously than any other country in Europe, resisting Change, Alteration, and Reconstruction to the very last.”  ― Seán Ó Faoláin Ireland: Between the Idea and the Reality Oftentimes...

/ 18/12/2018

Book Review: Jordanetics

“Falsehoods have consequences, that’s what makes them false” – Jordan Peterson Jordanetics is not the book I expected it to be. I expected a political criticism of Jordan B. Peterson’s politics, a takedown of atomised individualism, and a nationalist defence...

/ 14/12/2018

Burke’s Right Minds: Niamh Uí Bhriain – Progressive Nationalist

Burke’s Right Minds is a project exploring and promoting viewpoints within the conservative intellectual sphere, jointly run by The Burkean and the Edmund Burke Institute.  Why I am a progressive nationalist: I’ve spent most of my adult life working to...

/ 05/12/2018

Book Review: The Terror of Existence

Theodore Dalrymple is best known as a chronicler of British decline. A retired doctor and psychiatrist, he has written more books than most of us have had hot meals, but his most successful, Life At the Bottom and Our Culture,...

/ 04/12/2018