Tag: Catholicism

Books Depicting Children Performing Sex Acts Removed from Cork City Libraries after Complaints
The Burkean can report today of the removal of the controversial book “Beyond Magenta” from Cork City Libraries after complaints by local parents. Written by the author Susan Kuklin, the book centres around the experiences of transgender children communicated through...

The Desecration of Croke Park
The Eid al-Adha celebrations held at Croke Park made a lot of people very, very angry. The sight of some 200 traditionally clad muslims, praying in their traditional way, on the sacred soil of the Gaelic Athletic Association stung the...

Paul Cullen: The Saviour of Irish Catholicism
[This article originally appeared here] Contrary to popular belief, Ireland hasn’t always been a bastion of Catholicism. Especially considering that most people nowadays – in their decadency - consider the Church’s condemnation of contraception as the pinnacle of Catholic belief,...

Indo-European Ireland: A Discussion with Survive the Jive
The world isn’t set in stone. Religions change, tribes rise and fall, and cultures spread out and fade away. While over the period of a lifetime the world may appear stagnant and unchanging, the truth is that every single facet...

The Catholic Right Needs to Unify in Order to Survive
Political commentators often espouse the view that the ‘Catholic Right’ in modern ireland is a coherent bloc with political heft. A bloc with influence enough left over to bring about much of what it seeks in policy. This is a...

The Genius of Eoghan Ruadh Ó Néill
Eoghan Ruadh Ó Néill was born some time in the 1580s. He left for Spain in his youth, and took up service in the Spanish military. The Ulster that Ó Néill grew up in was a destitute place in the...

The Making of the ‘New Ireland’
“Ireland had clung to her youth, indeed to her childhood, longer and more tenaciously than any other country in Europe, resisting Change, Alteration, and Reconstruction to the very last.” ― Seán Ó Faoláin Ireland: Between the Idea and the Reality Oftentimes...

Welcome to Post-Catholic Ireland
On a cold January afternoon in 1922, Irish history changed forever in the courtyard of Dublin Castle, as the last Viceroy of Ireland handed over the keys of the city’s most historic building to the new Provisional Government of the...