Tag: Catholicism

The Greasy Till: DP Moran, Yeats and Ireland’s Emergent Catholic Bourgeoisie
Introduction “As regards Ireland, our feelings were curious… We intended as good Protestants and Loyalists to keep the papists under our feet. We impoverished them, though we loved them, and their religion by its doctrine of submission and obedience unintentionally...

St. Teresa’s: What Led to a Dublin Church Flying the LGBT Flag
Last year The Burkean covered the flying of and the subsequent controversy around the raising of a LGBT flag to mark the month of Pride at a Ballyfermot church. Contravening stipulations allowing only the tricolour and Vatican flag to be...

Ancient Order of Hibernians Returns to Armagh
Armagh for those not familiar is a quaint town (no urban area with a population of 10,000 should be described as a city), the reported burial place of Brian Boru. The seat of the Primate of All Ireland, the county...

Whatever Happened to National Catholicism?
Though the recent death of Carmelite nun Sr Mary Kevin O'Higgins ends another living link to the revolutionary period, it does help us underscore still-relevant networking patterns. Maev O'Higgins was born in Government Buildings (now the Department of the Taoiseach),...

RTÉ’s Holy Show: Has the Church Dropped the Ball on Evangelisation?
A caller to a Catholic apologetics show recently asked for some advice on how to evangelise his dear old mother who had somewhat of a checkered attitude to religion, particularly Catholicism. The apologists reply came back swiftly and without reservation....

The Shepherd Leads His Flock Astray
Is the Pope Catholic? Is Ireland Catholic? A picture is worth a thousand words, they say. An idiom, a rhetorical question, and an adage have been used to demonstrate the power of language. It is the power of language which...

The Praesidium Triumphant: Lessons from the Legion of Mary
“In short, in every circumstance of special difficulty, or in face of danger, the legionary should remind himself: “A war is on”! This phrase that nerves a war-ridden people to sacrifice, should steel the legionary in his warfare for souls...

A Tale of Two Bishops: Eamonn Casey and Irish Modernism
Nothing encapsulates the regime change that occurred in the Irish hierarchy during the 20th century more than the transfer of the Galway bishopric from Michael Browne to Eamonn Casey in 1976. The parishioners of Galway had to say goodbye to...

Cardinal Marx and the Future of the Church
Having travelled to Rome in May to offer his resignation as Archbishop of Munich and Freising, Cardinal Reinhard Marx received the Pope’s response today. Francis rejected the proposal, and called on bishops worldwide to take greater responsibility for the abuse crisis....

Reflections on the Resurrection: An Easter Musing-Michael Sonne
I recently had a Zoom meeting with a Dominican priest who serves the parishioners of St Saviour’s in Dominick street. We touched upon the events leading up to Christ’s imprisonment, in which the proposed God of the universe commands his...