Irish Anti-Trump Hysteria is Futile

Plenty of steam has (and will be) given off this week for the visit of President Trump to Ireland on the tail-end of his visit to Europe. Almost three years into his term, Ireland’s progressive classes have failed to properly...

/ 06/06/2019

The 2019 Local Elections: A Recap

Polling day has come and gone, and the posters have come down, and with everything said and done, nothing much has changed. Fianna Fáil and Fine Gael increased their seats, the Green ripple shocked our media to its erogenous core,...

/ 31/05/2019

Trade, Industry, and Immigration Flows Effects on the Environment

Climate change is not the next generation’s problem to deal with, it is ours. If humanity cannot globally work towards stopping and reversing the damage being inflicted on the earth in the next few decades, the effects may be irreparable....

/ 27/05/2019

Ireland Shouldn’t Care About Palestine or Israel

The Irish have a misplaced sense of nostalgia when it comes to Palestine. As the heirs of an anti-colonial past we tend to view contemporary politics through a lens uncommon to most Europeans. From the Plantations to the northern conflict,...

/ 18/05/2019

The Peculiar Politics of the Eurovision

The Eurovision is a strange affair. While many turn their nose up at the competition for being rather low brow, it can be entertaining to watch if you go in with an open mind. In what other competitions do you...

/ 14/05/2019

A Look at the 2020 Democratic Primaries

Biden vs. Bernie: All of the major 2020 Democratic candidates for president of the United States have formally launched their campaigns. It is an extremely diverse field. We have an octogenarian socialist who owns three houses, terrorist sympathizers, and a...

/ 12/05/2019

Airstrip One: The Slow Death of Freedom in the UK

What is happening in the UK is terrifying. No, I’m not talking about Brexit, the event that has gripped news media and turned it into a frenzy. I’m referring to far more important matters. Matters that, if left unchecked, will...

/ 08/05/2019

Ireland: A Manifesto for Anti-Immigration Activism

When a few hundred thousand Greeks confronted the Persian world-system with a radical rejection of all it stood for, and refused to be absorbed, it seemed to all the Persians and to some intelligent Greeks mere pigheaded nationalism. But it...

/ 05/05/2019

Online Hate Speech Laws Are Coming to Ireland

After the last number of years of looking across the Irish sea in abject horror at the police state the UK is rapidly becoming, it seems that the reaper has finally come for us too, just as we always knew...

/ 11/04/2019

The Underhanded Neo-Gombeens

I had a chat once with my old landlady about the meaning of that word 'gombeen' prompted by Varadkar appearing on the telly one evening. She said “I don't think there's any gombeens left anymore.” She spoke as if it...

/ 08/04/2019