The Post-National Fianna Fáil Politician

As the perennial chancers of Irish politics, Fianna Fáil have undergone multiple regenerations since the foundation of the state. The positioning of Fianna Fáil at any one time is a thermometer reading to the contemporary condition of Irish life. From...

/ 02/01/2020

Christmas: A Conservative Festival

Once a year, the modern world indulges in a celebration of everything it usually disdains: family, nostalgia, tradition, sentimentality, innocence, festivity, ceremony, and even (albeit usually indirectly) religion. Christmas is the annual return of the repressed, on a societal level....

JK Rowling, and Why Fiction is Dying

‘You reap what you sow’. After spending years feeding the progressive beast, JK Rowling has finally learned the meaning of this proverb.  How? Just like with any social media mob, it started when Rowling was caught espousing views that are...

/ 22/12/2019

What makes Hillary Clinton or her daughter an authority on “gutsy women”?

Ever since losing the US Presidency to Donald Trump back in 2016, Hillary Clinton has been keeping herself busy. Tweeting out against her former opponent’s administration. Speaking at various functions and junkets all around the world. Writing a couple of...

/ 18/12/2019

CERD19: Cat Lady Totalitarianism On Display

The following is the second in a multipart series examining the influence of Ireland’s inordinately sized NGO sector in the realm of policy formation, particularly in the areas of hate speech legislation and anti-racism advocacy. This segment casts an eye...

/ 12/12/2019

The Policy of Mass Immigration is Incompatible with Sustainable Housing

The most well-known political issue in Ireland today is the housing crisis. A crisis of an overcrowded rental and property market, with record breaking rip-off prices. A crisis exacerbated by the continued expansion of luxury tourist accommodation as opposed to...

/ 05/12/2019

Ireland is Entering Late-Stage Liberalism

Ireland and the Rumblings of Populism The quick-fire legislation towards hate speech early next year is a clear signifier that the powers that be in Ireland are becoming rather rattled over an as of yet non-existing populist insurgency. While right-wing...

/ 01/12/2019

After the Decadence: The Great War in Context: Simon Heffer on Edwardian Britain

The last five years has seen much in the way of remembrance services and solemn acknowledgements of sacrifice made by all those lost during the Great War. Indeed, the “war to end all wars” has sustained a poignancy across Europe...

/ 26/11/2019

Can Fianna Fáil be Co-opted

How does the right attain political power in Ireland? The options must be considered and the most efficient option adopted. There are small parties, which one could join and or vote for; or there are the established parties which could...

/ 20/11/2019

Charlie Kirk’s Demise and the Shape of Conservatism to Come

Minor skirmishes on college campuses and within political subcultures are more often than not a bellwether for forthcoming national rifts. For this reason the ongoing immolation of the conservative media personality Charlie Kirk at the hands of small bands of...

/ 17/11/2019