The USI Chooses Oblivion

The Burkean looks with considerable dismay at the recent Annual Congress of the Union of Students of Ireland.  While supposedly open to all, it's a cliquey process, largely occurring without the notice of the student population of Ireland, despite being...

/ 28/05/2020

Has Eurofederalism Hit a Legal Roadbump?

On May 5th the German Constitutional Court did what was unthinkable to Europhiles everywhere, and ignored the claims of the CJEU that European law is superior to National law. Before we consider the implications of this ruling, we should first...

/ 27/05/2020

Cahersiveen: Irish Asylum System Enters Meltdown

Flanagan’s Folly : DP Outrage in Cahersiveen  As the days go by it becomes transparent that ongoing turmoil has blown the lid off the long existing fiasco of the Direct Provision system. A cause célèbre for both the open borders...

/ 22/05/2020

Review: TFW NO GF: Scapegoating and Alienation in Late Stage Liberalism

Incel: The Career of a Concept  A spectre is haunting women, the spectre of the incel. Ironically coined by a woman, the term incel was invented in 1993, merely two years after the World Wide Web became available to the...

/ 20/05/2020

Irish Antifa Project: Conclusion

Entering into this project we had a series of strategic objectives to attain, in order to make the project worth our while.  Firstly, we wanted to show that even complacent leftist apparatchiks, who are ensconced in a world of established...

/ 17/05/2020

Eduard Limonov: A Late Obituary and Brief Eulogy

It is a cold evening in Moscow. A small group of misfit followers are gathered by an old brutalist style Soviet monument, dedicated to the revolution of 1905. They fly a set of flags, the offensive mixes of blue, black,...

/ 13/05/2020

Normal People: Lecherous Chad-Worshipping Fantasies on Full Display

I expected to detest Sally Rooney’s ‘Normal People’.  Arguably the most successful Irish writer of the 2010’s, her works have captured a key demographic: millennial women; not to forget the wine-gulping, perennially depressed older generations, vicariously re-living their spent youth...

/ 10/05/2020

The Irish Right’s Truther Problem

Truther: “one who believes that the truth about an important subject or event is being concealed from the public by a powerful conspiracy.” The term conspiracy theory is a disingenuous phrase, largely manufactured to discredit genuine concerns about political and...

/ 07/05/2020

The Attack on Homeschooling is an Attack on Families

Earlier last month, Harvard Law Professor Elizabeth Bartholet decided to come out and call for a ban on home-schooling.  Right in the middle of a global pandemic where millions of parents have found themselves having to do just that. To...

/ 02/05/2020

Forget about Cancellation, The Leaving Cert Needs to be Retired

The current Coronavirus epidemic has, if nothing else, revealed the immense fragility of the Irish state. While this truth can be seen in many areas, ranging from healthcare to employment, it is most obvious in the farcical responses to the...

/ 25/04/2020