1984 – The Most Overrated Dystopian Novel

1984 by George Orwell is commended by many intellectuals (unfortunately some of the one’s I admire) as the most insightful dystopian novel to have ever been written. The people that say this are either just following the crowd, haven’t read...

/ 27/09/2020

Eid, Croke Park & Archbishop Dermot Martin

By now most readers will be aware of the events that took place in Croke Park on Friday July 31, where the Islamic Eid Al Adha festival was held. The event itself was covered by this journal the very next...

/ 26/09/2020

BLM Used in Oireachtas to Justify Nullifying Citizenship Referendum

As the 21st century marches on, our political class makes an ever lessening attempt to hide their contempt for the native population. As the world becomes more globalized, our ruling class is ever more dependent on orders from above rather...

/ 25/09/2020

People Before Profit Rocked by Further Sexual Abuse Allegations

Longstanding tensions among left-wing factions blew up last week over the coming forward of various women alleging sexual harassment in Dublin branches of People Before Profit (PBP), as well as an alleged tendency within the party's leadership to sweep allegations...

/ 22/09/2020

Irish Paganism is a Farce, but it Shouldn’t Be

Over the past few months, this publication has been graced by a number of articles of the highest quality on Irish Catholicism. These articles, such as the one on Paul Cullen, illustrate in a beautiful manner the great philosophical and...

/ 21/09/2020

Udo Ulfkotte: Was a Nationalist Journalist Murdered in Germany?

Occupied Germany and Ireland’s Alternative Timeline Think of the following alternative historical timeline.  In the 1970s the conflict in Northern Ireland spills over into the 26-county state with the Provisional IRA seizing effective control of the Republic as the Leinster...

/ 20/09/2020

Damage Control: Gombeen Media vs Ireland’s Surging Populism

Watching the mainstream trying to understand the Irish Right is like watching a communist trying to understand why capitalism hasn't collapsed yet. While they proclaim expertise in the area, in reality their ideology prevents them from understanding anything of substance,...

/ 19/09/2020

Toothbrush Totalitarianism: Jedward & Book Burning

With our newfangled culture wars reaching fever pitch after a summer of tumultuous protests induced by the death of George Floyd, there is an increasing chance for Z-list celebrities to reinvent themselves as progressive warriors in the new cultural battlefield....

/ 18/09/2020

Nationalism as a Moral Order

Every society needs its rules, what is permissible and what is not.  This was provided by non-State actors previously, like the Church. Nowadays the agents of International Capital are the arbiters of social mores. They deem what is good and...

/ 17/09/2020

The Oireachtas Euthanasia Bill is Hypocritical Amid Corona Crisis

A matter of perhaps supreme irony amid the current corona crisis is the appearance of a Bill on the Oireachtas floor to legalise euthanasia in the Republic as well as the support it has received from the media galleries. While...

/ 15/09/2020