Irish Big Tech’s Links To Left-Wing Activism

With social media becoming increasingly ingrained in the daily lives of users through laptops, smartphones and tablets, our ways of speech and expression can be said to reflect these developments and changes.  To paraphrase the Canadian communications theorist Marshall McLuhan,...

/ 04/12/2020

Unanimous Support for Birthright Citizenship in Seanad

Entering the Committee stage in an ongoing process to become law, the Irish Nationality and Citizenship Bill was debated in the Seanad yesterday afternoon. Debated being perhaps too potent a word, as the Bill’s contents were agreed upon by the...

/ 03/12/2020

Why James Connolly Objected to Ireland Accepting Refugees in 1914

The following is an extract of a debate as reported by Arthur Griffith in his nationalist periodical ‘Éire’ from November 19th, 1914 chronicling a discussion at the Dublin Trade’s Council about the issue of Belgian refugees arriving into Ireland following...

/ 01/12/2020

In Defence of Conservatism

About twelve years ago, I wrote a fantasy novel by the title The Black Feather. It remains unpublished, which I put down to the fact that it is unpublishable — not to mention unreadable. It was a blast of the...

Dept. of Housing Warns Open Border Proposals Will Severely Impact Housing Supply

Amid the targeted mania at abolishing the Republic’s already lenient Direct Provision system, the media-NGO narrative has been temporarily punctured by rather stern comments by the Department of Housing. In response to last month’s Day Report commissioned by the Department...

/ 26/11/2020

TCDSU Votes to Commit itself to Activism at Student Expense

Yesterday evening, Trinity College Dublin Student Union (TCDSU) decided to undertake another two campaigns against national policy. At the second council of the year, the SU voted to support the undermining of the 27th amendment, which removed birthright citizenship from...

/ 25/11/2020

The Protestant Reformation was a Revolution of the Rich against the Poor

To the average person, when asked what the Protestant Reformation was all about, they will usually give some answer about how the Catholic Church just became too powerful, or how it caused the religious wars of the 17th century. Which...

/ 24/11/2020

How Much Was Una Mullally Paid As Part of State LGBT Quango?

To chorus calls decrying cronyism and state-sponsored nepotism, Irish Times journalist Una Mullaly was announced by the then Minister for Children Katherine Zappone to be appointed as Chair of the LGBT National Youth Strategy Committee in December 2016. A new...

/ 22/11/2020

Love Irish Labour: Promoting Ireland’s Native Workers

Have you ever browsed the aisles of an Irish supermarket and seen a 'Love Irish Food' logo? The logo is a guarantee the product was produced in Ireland, that it belongs to an Irish brand, and that the brand uses...

/ 21/11/2020

We Need Worship: Catholic Youth Campaign Group Launched Against Mass Ban

As a statewide level 5 lockdown reaches into its fourth consecutive week and some priests face legal sanction for hosting Mass a Catholic Youth organisation has launched to lobby for an easing of restrictions on ecclesiastical events.  Named ‘We Need...

/ 20/11/2020