Simon Coveney Reiterates Support for Turkish Membership of EU

During a two-day visit to Ankara this week, Simon Coveney engaged with Turkish Foreign Minister, Mevlut Cavusogl, about the prospects of greater integration and membership for the 82 million strong predominantly Sunni nation into the European Union. Despite EU-Turkic relations...

/ 30/01/2021

Le Chéile: Ireland Newest Censorship Org Off to an Uninspiring Start

The congested field of anti-racist organising in Ireland met with a new and belated contendor this December with the birth of Le Chéile, a new voice to combat Ireland’s apparently nefarious far right. With an arranged press release coverage from...

/ 29/01/2021

Aodh de Blácam: Ireland’s Answer to Oswald Spengler

“I contemplate a people which has had a long night, and will have an inevitable day. I am turning my eyes toward a hundred years to come, and I dimly see the Ireland I am gazing on become the road...

/ 28/01/2021

The Economics of a Free Ireland — Michael Collins

Idealised as the architect of a free and democratic Ireland by some, and despised by others as being a political sellout, very little attention has been given to the written works of Michael Collins. Not just a gunman, his economic...

/ 26/01/2021

Being Easily Offended is a Form of Status-Signaling

There is a common notion among people about how someone being easily offended is an indication that they just can’t control their emotions. While this is true, another dynamic is being overlooked. When someone gets offended about something you said,...

/ 25/01/2021

Ireland: For a Positive Critique (Perhaps)

In 1961, the French nationalist Dominique Venner wrote and published a manifesto titled For A Positive Critique whilst imprisoned for his membership of the OAS (Organisation Armée Secrète). It was a dissident paramilitary organisation committed to maintaining French colonial rule...

/ 23/01/2021

Vive le Roi : An Interview with Action française

A staple of the French Right since its genesis in 1899 Action française is (AF) a largely student led nationalist group known for its boisterous youth activism and philosophical moorings. Often described as a gadfly to Le Pen’s Rassemblement National...

/ 21/01/2021

Which Anti-Lukashenko Groups is the Irish Government Funding in Belarus?

With a frenzy of street protests and clashes with the security forces, Minsk rather than Washington DC became the subject of international intrigue last August, with contested elections that saw much admonition directed towards veteran president Lukashenko by Western powers. ...

/ 19/01/2021

The Unbearable Whiteness of Dalkey

I’ll get straight to the point. The uber-wealthy town of Dalkey on the south coast of Dublin is whiter than the driven snow and it’s unbearable. The true victims of this festering reality are of course the residents of Dalkey...

/ 17/01/2021

A Dialogue with Republicans

Following a number of exchanges between this publication and authors of The Pensive Quill regarding the relationship between right-wing Nationalists and the left-wing of Republicanism as of late, I found myself again considering how it has come to be that...

/ 16/01/2021