Irexit: Does the Visegrad Option Suit Ireland?

There are two differing poles of thought as to what Ireland’s relationship with the European Union should be amongst the right-wing; one is that of the aptly named and self-explanatory “Irexit” and the other is adopting a political stance similar...

/ 08/06/2021

Toward a National Economic System-Arthur Griffith

Extracts from a syndicated 1905 speech by Arthur Griffith on the subject of Friedrich List and the cultivation of the national economy in Ireland. This text and others has been dutifully resurrected by the recently launched nationalist archive An Cartlann....

/ 06/06/2021

Ruairí Ó Brádaigh: Case Study in Irish Republican Absolutism

On the eve of his execution, James Connolly, mindful of how posterity would perceive him, said that ‘the Socialists will not understand why I am here; they forget I am an Irishman’.  The theme underlying those words also rings true...

/ 05/06/2021

Fourteen Fold Increase In Asylum Free Legal Aid Fees Since 2015

Under freedom of information, The Burkean can reveal a marked fourteen-fold increase in free legal aid costs billed to the taxpayer since 2015. From figures obtained from the Legal Aid Board, the body charged with handling free legal aid for...

/ 04/06/2021

A Meditation on the Sigma Male Revolution and its Meaning in the Modern World

[FOR IDEAL SIGMA READING EXPERIENCE: listen to Sergio Valentino’s ‘Drive Forever’ (xakavir Remix)] It's Better to be a Sigma for a Day Than a Betabux All Your Life “As you can imagine, I am quite the celebrity, and am treated...

/ 03/06/2021

What Explains Covid Youth Shaming in Ireland?

There was much crying and gnashing of teeth from politicians and government officials Saturday over mass outdoor gatherings of mostly young people in Dublin and Cork. After over a year’s worth of lockdowns, the drink-filled gatherings were lambasted by a...

/ 01/06/2021

Who is Making Money from Asylum Appeals?

A long festering problem in the Irish asylum industry has been the issue of repeated and mostly cynical appeals by bogus applicants. With rejection rates averaging 75% prior to covid, and outright fraudulent applications from safe nations like Albania and...

/ 31/05/2021

Statistics Warn of Ireland’s Looming Demographic Cliff

Ireland’s birth rate continues its free-fall decline as the country embraces social liberalism and abortion-on-demand. In 2020 there were just under 56,000 babies born in Ireland. To put the scale of Ireland’s abortion industry into context, in 2019 there were...

/ 30/05/2021

Chasing The Ghosts of ’98:The Slow Death of Protestant Nationalism

The land of Hope and Betsy GrayOf Orr, McCracken and MunroThe land where Mitchel sleeps todayTo English thieves shall never go. Ulster War Song by Brian O’Higgins In August 1896, a memorial stone was erected on the gravesite of one...

/ 27/05/2021

The West Has No Moral Authority On Belarus

The bungled diversion of Ryanair Flight 4978 carrying the anti-Lukashenko activist Roman Protasevich heralds a new attempt to engineer a colour revolution in the Eastern European State and one which we ought be scathing of. As we all know by...

/ 26/05/2021