Desmond Fennell-Gaeldom’s Last Intellectual?

One of the country’s most plenteous philosophical careers came to an end last Friday with the passing of the preeminent Desmond Fennell.  An intellectual jack of all trades, Fennell, who died at his Malahide residence last week, blazed a trail...

/ 21/07/2021

Toward a Rightist Corpus – An Interview with Imperium Press

Introduction “Liberal elites are not stupid. We have a tendency to underestimate the enemy, but they do not run the show without reason. If they do not want you to read old books (and they do not), then they have...

/ 19/07/2021

A4 Sounds: Who Is the Left Wing Art Collective Sucking Up Art Subsidies?

You’d be forgiven for overlooking A4 Sounds’s art studio, situated just before the Mater Hospital in the bosom of Dublin’s north-inner city. Ensconced firmly in O’Casey country just off Dorset street, the gallery and workspace has been catering for a...

/ 17/07/2021

Thousands of Irish People Protest New “Discriminatory and Unfair” Lockdown Restrictions

Protesters amassed outside Áras an Uachtaráin in Phoenix park this evening in response to the recent ramming through of Covid legislation last night by the government.  The legislation, which has stirred up significant controversy nationwide, would forbid many of those...

/ 15/07/2021

Revealed : NUIGSU Facing Financial Catastrophe Over Levy Dispute

The Burkean can report this evening of an apparent schism between NUIG and the university’s Student Union (NUIGSU) that leaves the beleaguered Union in financial tatters.  Centering on the controversial levy decrease at the behest of a student referendum which...

/ 13/07/2021

Why Hungary Must Defeat the NGO Complex-Viktor Orbán

The following is a syndication of a 2020 blog post by Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán. In it he defends the right of Hungary to operate as a free Christian nation against the subversive role played by foreign human rights...

/ 11/07/2021

Electorate Must Give Government An Anti-Lockdown Message in Dublin Bay South

The Dublin Bay South bye-election provides an opportunity for the public to register their opposition to the government’s lockdown policy. Those who are opposed to lockdowns need to use this election as a warning to the government and all pro-lockdown...

/ 07/07/2021

George Galloway — Harbinger of Islamic Populism in Britain?

Another brick almost fell out of the British Labour Party’s electoral wall last week with a knife edge contest fought in the Batley and Spen by-election. Narrowly avoiding an electoral humbling for Labour, the election acts as a harbinger for...

/ 06/07/2021

Rally for Life: How Fares Pro-Life Politics in 2021?

The now annual Rally for Life took place yesterday, Saturday 3rd, outside the GPO. The timing of this year’s rally coincided with the stark news earlier in the week that abortions had continued apace throughout 2020 with over 6 and...

/ 04/07/2021

How Much Did the Irish Times Get Paid to Syndicate CCP Propaganda?

In between ritualistic denouncements of both the far right and lockdown scepticism, the Irish Times took time out this week to print a full page paid advertisement singing the praises of China's ruling CCP. Syndicated in their Wednesday edition, the...

/ 02/07/2021