Faith and Fatherland: An Interview with Gerry McGeough

The Burkean sat down recently with veteran republican activist Gerry McGeough. McGeough has been a long-time stalwart of nationalism, republicanism, and an advocate for the Faith and tradition. Gerry has written a number of books and was previously the editor...

/ 25/11/2021

Ghost Unit: Gardaí Confirm Increase of Surveillance on Populists

Irish red tops have developed a knack for being the outlets of choice for An Garda Síochána whenever they wish to syndicate an effective press release in the nation’s so called free press. With special relationships nurtured between themselves and...

/ 23/11/2021

Asia Ascendeth: Will Multipolarity Benefit Ireland?

‘In any case, if the foreseeable future is not nuclear, it will be Asiatic, some combination of Japan’s advanced technology with China’s resourceful landmass. Europe and the United States will then be, simply, irrelevant to the world that matters’ —...

/ 22/11/2021
spiral green plants

Pearse’s Appeal To Irish America For Funding

From The Gaelic American, March 7, 1914. For the first time I appeal to the Irish-American public in the interests of the momentous work for Irish education that has been undertaken at St. Enda’s College. St. Enda’s was founded by me...

/ 21/11/2021

The Currents of Irishness

When considering the discourse regarding reconciliation among the peoples of these islands, a substantive Gaelic perspective must appraise this matter without automatically assuming that this is based on undue deference to Ulster Unionists. While such deference does exist, there is...

/ 20/11/2021

What Happened To Ireland’s Anti-Assad Lobby?

Since the commencement of hostilities in 2011, the Irish government’s aid contribution to the Syrian conflict has been just shy of €200 million, channeled through the Red Cross and various UN Aid agencies. Mainly focused on the plight of refugees...

/ 18/11/2021

Is National Protectionism Ireland’s Economic Future?

Following a detailed discussion between Dr. Matt Treacy and Peter Ryan on the nationalist economics of the revolutionary movement in the twentieth century my mind naturally wandered to the system which we should espouse as Nationalists ourselves - as a...

/ 16/11/2021

Ideas of Good and Evil: Ireland and the Arts

Equal parts poet and mystic, W.B. Yeats left a lasting mark on Irish politics, culture and identity. Below is an excerpt from his work Ideas of Good and Evil, originally published in the United Irishman in 1903. The arts have failed;...

/ 14/11/2021

Kinzen’s Caper: How Did An Anti-Hate Speech Firm Siphon Off Є108k in State Funding?

Since bursting onto the scene as a potential silver bullet to the rise of alleged disinformation, The Burkean has documented the rise and potential fall of the tech start up Kinzen. A love child of former RTÉ presenter turned Twitter...

/ 13/11/2021

Who is Funding Ireland’s Black Queer Art Scene?

As purveyors of cynical right wing clickbait, The Burkean has taken excessive interest in the nation’s burgeoning black (queer) art scene.  From a left-wing microgallery sucking up generous amounts of state funding, to BLM inspired art collectives allegedly playing fast...

/ 12/11/2021