Ireland’s Amnesty Bonanza for Illegal Immigrants
Any trace elements indicating that the Dublin government was keeping watch on migration was dispensed this Friday with the announcement by Minister Helen McEntee's of the naturalisation en masse of tens of thousands of undocumented, ie. illegal immigrants. Estimated to...

Fundraising and Irish Politics
Dodgy dealings are never far from Irish politics, it seems. A report by the Irish Independent found that Fianna Fáil and Fine Gael had used a change in law to classify their raising half a million and a million euro...

Facebook’s Antifascist Liaisons
With a litany of social media firms parked in the Dublin Docklands, Ireland has found itself close to the jugular when it comes to the regulation of Big Tech. Notoriously, the state has a rather comfy relationship with tech platforms,...

Gilla Band: Where Did All the Punks Go?
I don't like writing outrage pieces. As a rule of thumb, I try to stay well away from them. Journalism in a nutshell has become nothing but a cacophony of outrage in recent years and I begrudge adding to that...

Sympathy for the Neocon? Mark Humphrys vs DCU
Blood has been in the water for Ireland’s most prolific and perhaps only self-identifying neoconservative over the past fortnight, with the targeting of DCU lecturer Dr Mark Humphrys by anti-racist campaigners. Aiming to put the Computer Science lecturer and part-time...

Is the Irish Art Sector Worth Saving?
The past twenty months have not been easy for the Arts. It was one of the first sectors to close completely almost overnight when the Covid 19 pandemic spread across the world. Now it’s one of the last to finally...

Irish Terfs Rally Against Self Identification Laws
Leinster House played host to an assembly of trans critical feminists Saturday in what was the first event of its kind, denouncing the nation’s lax gender self-identification laws and erosion of female-only spaces. Organised by a variety of trans critical...

Trinity Trans Referendum to Boycott Irish Times Flops
Ireland's cultural revolutionaries went just that bit further in undermining themselves yesterday with the failure of a referendum intended to boycott the Irish Times in Trinity College. Driven by the embattled paper of record's decision to platform trans critical feminists...

The Late Stage Toy Show
Long being a staple of contemporary Irish culture, last night we were once again faced with the event that most closely resembles a national religious rite on a parasocial level. With close to all readers being undoubtedly raised watching the...

Thomas777: An Interview with the Internet’s Cultured Thug
Editor's Note: Both the punctuation and capitalisation of the original piece have been preserved at the request of the author to maintain authenticity. Introduction: A Genuine Cultured Thug “Providence had not only rescued him from damnation but had, in fact,...