Irish Nationalism and Aesthetics: A Response
The essay “Is Irish Nationalism Lacking an Aesthetic” by Ulick Fitzhugh raises many interesting ideas and opens room for further reflections. The central question being asked is does Irish Nationalism need an aesthetic to aid in its success. In short,...

Zemmour: The French Republic’s Last Safety Valve
You don’t have to read the historical tea leaves much to comprehend we are in the final days of the French Fifth Republic. Vacillating between republican decadence and military strongmen the past quarter of a millenium, the present Élysée regime...

EU Recognition Suffocates Irish Revival
“The speaking of Irish is not an end but a means to an end: the end is Nationality.” – Pádraig Mac Piarais Non-accelerating inflation rate of unemployment in Irish is ráta dífhostaíochta gan éifeacht ar bhoilsciú. Phenylazobenzene in Irish is...

Kazakhstan: Colour Revolution Underway in Eurasia?
In a country virtually unknown to most in the West beyond Borat, what is on paper an internal political flare-up looks like it may quickly become one of the most significant power struggles in Eurasia. Kazakhstan as it stands Protests...

Globalism and the Irish Student
As some students are having to live in hotels, use food banks, and work during class time in order to pay for the classes which they then cannot attend, it is worth considering whether another concept of a student is...

Intel Dumps €80 Billion Irish Investment Over Energy Concerns
Under normal circumstances the state’s industrial planners ought to be seeing red over the weekend scoop by the Business Post revealing the shelving of plans to move the production of microchips to Ireland by Intel. Originally in contention with Poland...

Big State Minimum Pricing on Alcohol Just Kicks the Poor
Those who go out to buy drink today, will be in for a big surprise. Though we are talking beers not bears. FF/FG/GP — indeed all the Looney Left — have started to wallop the less well off through alcohol...

John Mitchel: The Fenian Who Fought the 19th Century
It is quite fitting that John Mitchel’s birth year coincided with the final defeat of the great Napoleon Bonaparte at Waterloo. Born as the son of a Presbyterian minister near Dungiven, County Derry, Mitchel was from what could be described...

The Gaelic State in the Past & Future-Darrell Figgis
Extracts from a 1917 text by Sinn Féin activist and subsequent Treatyite TD Darrell Figgis on the genesis and function of the pre-conquest Gaelic state. A Nation is crowned when it exists in the world not only by virtue of...

How Sinn Féin Controls the Irish-American Press
The main Irish-American print newspapers of note are The Irish Echo and The Irish Voice. In terms of e-media, the main Irish-American outlet is IrishCentral.com, which is a “sister-publication” to The Irish Voice. Traditionally The Echo and The Voice have...