Xenophilia – How Conservatives & Nationalists View the Other
Conservatives and nationalists are regularly accused of being xenophobic. In this simple article, I want to make the case that the opposite is true– that conservatives and nationalists are deeply xenophilic. Far from hating the things that are strange and...

Selective Reporting and the Responsibility of the Press
It comes as no surprise that Jozef Puska has finally been named as the individual charged with the murder of Ashling Murphy — certainly not to us as the supposed purveyors of disinformation, and certainly not to regime-approved journalists who...

The Anti-Lockdown Movement: More than Individualism?
The anti-lockdown movement’s individualist rhetoric has led many among the nascent, dissident-right to become somewhat disenfranchised with the movement. Those in these circles often charge the prolificity of individualism for many of society’s downfalls. The anti-lockdown movement’s appearance as an...

Fenians in the Transvaal: The Forgotten Irish of the Boer War
They were both people to whom the spirit of nationality had found strong manifestation, who had stood out even to the death against attempts to break their national independence. .. . They had both been through the fire of war...

Is Female Anxiety Being Weaponised in Ireland?
Friction between the genders is a barren pursuit. At an instinctual level I can never trust a man with a psychological loathing of the opposite sex beyond an understandable level of lived cynicism. Perhaps it's the white knight in me...

Collusion Report Underlines Why The North was Never a Normal State
A policing report this week on collusion between the RUC and loyalist paramilitaries lifts the lid on the cynical tactics deployed by the British state in the later stages of the Troubles. A reminder if any was needed why ‘Northern...

(Not So) New To The Parish – #3 Father Ted, Or How The Snake Eats The Tail
I grew up watching British comedies, and I still watch many of them, with the likes of Bottom, I’m Alan Partridge and The League Of Gentlemen being particular favourites. Seeing Father Ted of course stuck out like a sore thumb....

Lucy Michael Finds God? Diversity Lobby Comes for Irish Anglicanism
Is God a white man? How many frumpy Fingal feminists can dance on the head of a pin? Such theological questions and more may be meditated upon by Dr Lucy Michael as she is tasked by the Anglican Church in...

Did the Irish Invent Bolshevism? Aodh de Blácam’s Gaelic Socialism
“Lenin and Trotsky in Russia battling against lies and force; Labour struggling against its self-appointed tyrants; the Gaelic tongue striving against the foreign jargon; Ireland striving against England all are but phases of the single war that still rages undecided,...

Is the State Buying Radio Coverage with Pandemic Subsidies?
No matter where you turn the dial it's been hard to escape covidmania on Irish airwaves. From looping reminders to get vaccinated to blanket news coverage on a pandemic approaching its second anniversary. We’ve been stuck in a Wuhan state...