Pádraig Pearse – Warrior Poet
“I am ready. For years I have waited and prayed for this day. We have the most glorious opportunity that has ever presented itself of really asserting ourselves. Such an opportunity may never come again. We have Ireland’s liberty in...

“A Change Will Do You Good”: Roderic O’Gorman’s 2004 Trans Treatise
Much maligned by the Irish people, Minister Roderic O’Gorman has become one of the most prominent members of the coalition government amidst the various controversial progressive policies he has patroned. Article contents:O’Gorman’s Nauseating Dáil RecordStrange BedfellowsTranssexual Propaganda from 20 Years...

Parochialism vs. Populism: What Next For the Rural Independent Group?
A video published by Gript on April 12th, interviewed independent TDs Mattie McGrath and Michael Collins on the idea of a new party that would put “Ireland first” and speak up for rural communities which have been left behind. Undoubtedly...

Animal Advocacy Group Calls for Peaceful Demonstration
Animal rights and welfare issues must be included as an integral tenet to any positive vision of Irish Nationalism. Pet theft is degenerate. Missing/Stolen Animals Ireland is calling for the public to support their peaceful demonstration outside Leinster House on...

Turning the Sod: Irish Farmers’ Launch New Anti-Establishment Political Movement.
Last Sunday saw the launch event of the Farmers’ Alliance, a new political initiative to bring rural voices back into Irish politics. It follows a wave of rural discontent that is sweeping across Europe in the wake of EU-imposed ‘Green...

Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration, and Youth Spends €1.3 Billion Since 2020
Publicly available on the government’s website is the expenditures list for the Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration, and Youth. Below it is represented in a graph which visibly demonstrates the massive surge in government spending induced in part by...

Biden in Ireland – Liberal Ireland’s Papal Visit
Joe Biden has come and gone, in a short visit that will not soon be forgotten. The main reason for the event was the commemoration of the 25th anniversary of the Good Friday Agreement. The first day of his three-day...

Garda Bribery Allowed Hundreds of Pakistanis Enter Ireland Illegally
An unknown Garda has been exposed as running a high-level cash-for-visas scam in conjunction with a Pakistani fixer to enable up to 800 largely Pakistanis to enter Ireland. The scam was ongoing since 2017 and involved the Garda accepting bribes...

Yes to Europe? The EU’s War on the Irish Family
The following first appeared on the Substack ‘Creeve Rua’ and is syndicated with the permission of the author. This year marks the 50th anniversary of Ireland’s entry into the European Union, or as it was called then, the European Economic...

“Sous les pavés, chomâge.” What I saw at a French riot.
https://twitter.com/TheBurkeanIE/status/1646524050989260800 Bottles and bricks fly through the air from one side of the boulevard and smash into a policeman’s riot shield. Here and there the crowd keeps its distance from the heat of small bonfires that have been made out...